
Are The Negative Impacts Climbers Have On Mount Everest Worth It?

Decent Essays

Are the negative impacts climbers have on Mt. Everest worth it, for just a few pictures? Many people feel as if the amount of waste left on Mt. Everest is not worth the climbers who make it to the top for bragging rights. Although people think they can climb it to promote a cause or to prove something, it would be better if they left Mt. Everest alone. This challenge of climbing Mt. Everest often is done to prove a point, raise awareness for a cause, or to capture a photo. However, all the trash and waste they leave behind is beginning to add up, which is starting to ruin this historical landmark.

With all of the pollution being caused by the hikers, some have become increasingly worried about what they have contributed to. Sir Edmund Hillary and his partner Tenzing Norgay became the first known people to reach the top of Mt. Everest, however Hillary has become increasingly worried about the health state of this mountain. For example the text states, “Hillary was also deeply concerned about the environment. He helped establish reforestation programs in Nepal.” (The World’s Highest Mountain 7). This shows us that Hillary is aware of what is happening on and around Mt. Everest and is concerned about what is happening. He most likely feels as if he has contributed to this problem and is trying to make up for it. We also know he has tried to do something by starting reforestation programs around Mt. Everest to fix what the climbers have destroyed. In addition to this the text

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