
Archetypes In Arrow Of God

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At first look, Arrow of God and Smoke Signals do not seem to have a great deal in common. Arrow of God takes place in Nigeria. The tribe’s leader, Ezeulu, is faced with the difficulties of Nigeria gaining their independence and the colonization of the white men. Smoke Signals follows a couple of Coeur D’Alene Indians, Thomas and Victor, on their journey to Phoenix, Arizona to retrieve Victor’s father’s ashes after he passes away off of the reservation. Looking deeper into conflicts, archetypes, and philosophies, it is easy to see that these two stories share many of common traits. There were 3 different kinds of conflicts that both stories shared. The first was man versus man, then, man versus himself, and man versus society. In both stories, …show more content…

The end of childhood innocence in Arrow of God is shown by Ezeulu having his son Oduche go to the Christian church to learn the ways of the white man. Ezeulu said to his son, "I have sent you to be my eyes there" (189) This is Ezeulu’s way of saying that he is sending his son to the white men to spy on the men so that he can warn Ezeulu what they are planning on doing to overthrow his tribe so that Ezeulu can find a way to prevent this tragedy from happening. In Smoke Signals, Victor has always had reservations about his father that formed when Victor was a child and his father left him and his family. When Victor was told that his father had passed away, he went on a journey with Thomas to go to where Victor’s father had been living and collect his ashes. Once the two of them for back to the reservation, Thomas asks Victor for the last time if he knew why his father left. Victor simply replied, “Yeah. He didn’t mean to, Thomas.” (Smoke Signals) Instead of Victor yelling about how his father abandoned him and his mother like he used to when they were kids, he accepted that he never meant to leave, and when he did, he always meant to come back to them, but never had the chance. This illustrates that Victor is no longer blaming his father and has moved on, as an adult. Fire had a larger presence in Smoke Signals than in Arrow of God. In Smoke …show more content…

William Wallace, a philosopher, once stated in his book, “Of Epicureanism, as of all philosophy, it may be said, that it aims at emancipation, liberation, freedom.”(Wallace, 88) This ties into Smoke Signals in that Victor’s father had focused on trying to free himself of the guilt of killing Thomas’ parents by drinking constantly. He was solely looking to be happy, whatever his version of happy was. This ended up backfiring when he was constantly drunk and hits his son when he accidentally drops the beer bottle and it spills in the car. He leaves shortly after, While in Arizona, Victor’s father gets sober and discovers that his family and friends are more important than solely being happy. He should have focused on making his family happy, being there for them when they needed him, and providing for them. This is known through Suzy Song says, “He didn’t mean to die here. He wanted to go home. He always wanted to go home…” (Smoke Signals) In Arrow of God, Oduche puts a snake in a box instead of killing it. When Oduche is at church, his family finds the snake and had to do whatever they can to ensure that the tribe does not run into bad luck. When Oduche puts the snake in the box, he wasn’t considering how this would affect other people, only how to make his life tolerable without the guilt of killing the royal python. Oduche was only focused on what was best for him as

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