Archbishop Mitty is a school that is focused on helping others, sports, and technology. Many of my interests correlate with Mitty’s ideas and philosophy. I myself am very passionate about helping others because every time I get a chance, I always try to do a good deed in my community. I also participate in many competitions that involve in helping others. While living in Singapore, I was part of the Save the Environment club. This club’s main goal is to campaign for water conservation. We introduced different techniques to communities to help them conserve water efficiently. Due to our team’s efforts, we were awarded with a trophy for being the most effective team. I am also very interested in basketball. I have been playing basketball for
Last night at Northridge high school the Newark Catholic Green Wave rolled in Johnstown looking to sing the hometown Northridge Vikings. So far this season for Newark Catholic it has been a very up and down season, where injuries have hurt this team but caused the coaching staff to build depth and for the Vikings it has been a season that have seen get a win over a,5-4 Minford team and posting two other wins.
The hardest part of having a passion is sticking to it even during hardships. Julia Silverman has been gifted at basketball since she was six years old, but it was not always easy. Since she plays on two teams, she is always busy with practice. Hardworking and dedicated, she practices ten hours a week at Pine Crest and three hours a week at Boca Hoops. Michael Jordan, a famous athlete inspired her to play basketball because of his talent. Acquiring very advanced skills for her age, Silverman is put onto higher levels at Boca hoops. She also made the A team at Pine Crest every year in middle school. This girl definitely knows what pressure feels like and can handle herself on the court. Two years ago, Silverman’s team was in the championship
Throughout high school I have grown as an athlete and person. I have loved playing sports my whole life, but I have learned to love giving back to the community and youth even more. Although playing sports have taken me across the country and also brought much success and joy to me, nothing brings more pleasure than passing my skills and knowledge on to the youth here in Knappa.
Since a very young age, I have been involved in community service and extracurricular activities. I started playing sports at the age of three, beginning with gymnastics. Soon after, I joined many other sports teams, including, dance, soccer, and softball. In middle school and throughout high school, I ran track and cross country and continued playing soccer. Senior year of high school,
From my first T-Ball team to my senior year track club, the comradery and confidence I have gained from competing on numerous sports teams has made an enormous impact on my life. Growing up, I went to a very small Catholic school. With less than 100 students in the entire school district. In third grade, our family moved to Manteno. Where each grade level had at least 120 students. Baseball and Basketball were crucial for me in my early years. It was how I became acquainted with most of my friends growing up in Manteno. If it wasn’t for competing on a team, I would have stayed timid for the rest of my life. With the confidence sports have gave me, I have been able to challenge myself to experience the world and all
Developing skills of organization, efficiency, and a strong work ethic was crucial to balancing time for studying, research, practices, and games. Additionally, to ensure I achieved my academic and athletic goals, effective communication with teammates, professors, and coaches was essential. Although my time as a student-athlete came to an end, the
Throughout high school, I’ve been involved in multiple activities. As I began high school sports, I looked up to the upperclassmen and tried to be like them. As I grow older, I try to be a positive role model for the underclassmen, just as the students before me had done. I believe that being a positive influence on the ones that look up to you is a splendid aspect to have. As my senior year approached, I participated in volleyball for my fourth year. Throughout practice, I was sure to reach
Athletics has played an instrumental role promoting success in all branches of life impacting my performance in school, work and other life facets. Involvement in athletics taught me the value of commitment allowing me to play in Division 1 Women’s Soccer while attending the University of Washington. As a former student athlete, I have been winning and losing my entire life developing my own resilience and tremendous work ethic to work with others toward a common goal. My drive spills over into my professional interactions and career aspirations allowing me to connect
I have developed a strong work ethic, time management skills, goal-setting abilities, and mental toughness. I have worked hard to become a leader, gain decision-making skills, and overcome adversity. Basketball gave me the opportunity to function within a team for the success of the group. Everyone has to accept their role for the team to reach greater heights. This will carry over to my future career as a physician assistant because I will be a fundamental member of a healthcare team.
I have had many opportunities to create relationships and memories that I would otherwise have not have had. The game of basketball has shaped me into a well-rounded and more productive member of my community. Many hours of practice and studying have allowed me to become successful and earn many honorable awards and recognitions from my teachers, coaches, and administrators.
The time and effort I have put into each and every day to shape who I am displays my dedication. Growing up, I had a vision of who I wanted to become because of the influential people who surrounded me. As my current chapter is coming to an end, I realized I obtained my goal; I have managed to play every sport that interested me. My goal led me to play my three favorite sports, all four years of high school. Along with my athletic abilities, I have managed to maintain a spot in the top ten percent of my class, which made me eligible to participate in National Honor Society.
Sports gave me confidence and a work ethic that has translated to life. I have traveled to countless states, out of the country, met people from all regions, and had amazing experiences; all credited to basketball. Basketball is a game of discipline and individuals who exhibit success have input a work ethic that exceeds their competition. The Rookie Sensation seeks to position youth to potentially get a free education, learn work ethic, applicable skills that translates to life, convene with other athletes with common goals, and meet successful professionals who used sports as means to success.
When I tell people I am from Phoenix, Arizona, they look at me funny and ask, “What are you doing in Connecticut?” My response is always the same, “I’m on the UConn women’s basketball team.” Sport has played a large role in my life and has definitely impacted me. My parents were key factors that helped me get to where I am now. Both of my parents were college athletes. My father played basketball at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Before that, he was an all-state basketball player, tennis player and pitched for his high school baseball team. My mother played tennis at Marquette University. She was voted most valuable player all four years and won the prestigious McCahill Award as the university’s top student-athlete her senior year. She came from a tennis family. Her two sisters, her dad, and several uncles played college tennis. Her father, like her, won the McCahill award as Marquette’s top student-athlete. To this day, they are the only father-child combination to win the award. My parents met in line for drug testing when they were both athletes at Marquette. With parents so into athletics, it is not surprising that they decided early on in their relationship that their children would play sports. They decided my brother and I would participate in sports at a young age and knew that sports would teach us valuable life lessons.
One of the activities that I took part in that I feel has shaped me as a person, was basketball. I joined the Sea Point High basketball team in the tenth grade, in South Africa. Now basketball was not very popular in South African high schools, as such we lost our coach in my junior year. The choices that were given to the team was to either end the program or to continue without a coach. As team captain I rallied my teammates and we persevered through without a coach; we showed up for intensive training and competed against other schools. At the end of my senior year I was presented with the basketball player of the year; however I feel that award did not necessarily celebrate my skill in the sport, but it acknowledged the determination and
All throughout my life I have remained involved in a wide variety of organizations including clubs, sports, youth groups, and honor societies. My free time is consumed by all of these, and still I am still willing to venture out and attempt so much more. Despite constantly contributing my life to numerous things, it is undeniable that Basketball is what I am ultimately passionate about.