
Arcgis Server Case Study

Decent Essays

For this, Red Planet consultant shall setup esri Environment with necessary back up of all databases, Data and Web Services.
Following activities will be taken care during environment setup.
Uninstall Existing ArcGIS Server Version 10.3 software, applications and service.
Before we upgrade your ArcGIS Server site, ensure that the databases you use are supported at the upgraded ArcGIS Server release such as Microsoft SQL Server database requirements.
• Install supported version of Microsoft SQL version
• Install Latest version of ArcGIS server 10.4.1
• Restore all functionality to ArcGIS Server 10.4.1
Following steps will be taken care will upgrading Application and Services
As part of the upgrade Red Planet would perform the following activities: …show more content…

5.5 Quality Control
Red Planet retains a tight control on the Quality of its deliverables.
Throughout the implementation phase, Red Planet will conduct periodic reviews of the progress to ensure that the progress of each functional element is in line with the expected deliverables. The pre-defined requirements will be used as a yardstick to do this evaluation.
Any deviation identified during the evaluation is analyzed and classified into one of the three buckets:
• System Driven Anomaly: In this case, the deviation is due to the limitations that are inherent in the system. In this case, Red Planet would, after thorough study, inform Cecil County about the same and present the possible impacts of the anomaly. This would be followed by a detailed discussion with Cecil County to find a workaround to meet the stated requirement.
• Implementation Anomaly: In case the deviation is identified to have resulted from implementation, Red Planet would take immediate steps to employ corrective measures to rectify this anomaly.

The overview of the proposed Quality Control methodology is provided in the diagram below:
5.6 Production …show more content…

The proposed roll-out dates for production implementation are submitted to the client.
5.7 Training
Training manuals will be created for all the upgraded products. This training manual would be developed right through the development, testing and into the training phase of the project.
The Training would consist of the following

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