
Arabidopsis Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Arabidopsis is a common model system for plant growth and development, because of the fully sequenced genome, that is both relatively simple and invariant. Tubular root hair growth occurs in a tip and polar fashion, from the base of specialised epidermal cells of roots called trichoblasts. Root hairs are important for water and mineral uptake as well as root anchorage. They also are the site for rhizobium symbiosis (interaction between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and root nodules). In a mature root, root hair development occurs from root epidermal cells (outer layer). Epidermal cell contain two cell types, trichoblasts (root hair producing) and non-root hair producing cells (atrichoblasts).During early developmental stages, there are distinct morphologies between trichoblasts and atrichoblasts. Interestingly, Laser ablation experimentation showed that cell fate is determined by information on position not cell lineage. Cells between cortical cells that overlie the anticlinal wall differentiate into trichoblasts, whereas cells overlying the periclinal walls differentiate into atrichoblasts. …show more content…

(shearing of root hair reason for root tip growth?) There are three structural phases to root hair development. Firstly a bulge forms at the base of the trichoblast. Site selection occurs at the bulge, initiating slow tip growth. After growth to around 20-40 micrometres, tip growth rate increases to 1-2 micrometres per minute. This has been evidenced by microscopic time lapses, Cryo-SEM and light

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