
Arab Men Stereotypes

Decent Essays

Today’s western media point of interest on debating the global issues that lead the world believing that Arab men or as they are referred to nowadays as “terrorists” are the reasons behind all the global conflicts. Moreover, after 9/11 these stereotypes became popular and it was not the only cause that Arabs men had a reflected stereotypical image, in fact Arab men were treated badly even before that incident. Recently, many worldwide attacks like the one in Paris lead the world to have an extremely bad image towards Arab men, making them look like they started the whole fact of bombing lots of countries around the world, this image affects many views and creating conflicts towards Arab men when interfering with each other. The real transmitters behind the corrupt image are the bias western media which only reveal negative views towards Arab men. …show more content…

People in the west have a bad image of arab men as undeveloped people, people that still ride on camels, live in tents and people that live in the desert. The western media nowadays still transmit this bad

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