
Aquinas Eternal Law

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Society today in America is ruled by media and government. We abide by the law out of fear of being arrested. Some people may abide by the law by the goodness of their hearts but most do not. Aquinas believes that law is power and though his writings were done years ago, it still applies to today’s society in many aspects. It is important to know this because humans work systematically. When people do good, they get rewarded and when they do bad, they get punished. Aquinas talks about eternal law, which is the divine law, he also talks about natural law, and then the human law in his book Treatise of Law and I will be referring to questions 90-94. In regards to the eternal law, Aquinas believes that “the Word of God and the written context …show more content…

So because of this, he says that it is not important for people to know the whole order of things when in regards to the eternal law. So they may know that the eternal law exists, but not really how it works. Aquinas believes that everybody knows the truth to some extent. In regards to how this plays effect in today’s society, criminals are very aware of what they are doing when they plan to commit these crimes, yet they still commit them and break the law. “Wicked people are incompletely subject to the eternal law.” Laws signifies a plan directing an end. Aquinas believes that human law does not derive from eternal …show more content…

It is the laws that humans create to maintain a day to day life with restrictions. He said that not everyone fully participates in Divine reason, meaning that we cannot understand each and every single truth that it holds. In short terms, it is to do good and avoid evil. An example of human law is doing something to help others rather than going out of your way to do wrong to someone else. Volunteering for an organization you agree with is a way to do good and avoid evil. Even something simple as to help someone cross the road when they are unable to do it themselves is a form of doing something good and avoiding evil. It is commonly not rewarded but it can make someone feel good on the inside, knowing they were able to

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