
Aquabounty's Aquadvantage Salmon?

Decent Essays

AquAdvantage salmon is the field name for a genetically modified Atlantic salmon developed by AquaBounty Technologies. A growth hormone-regulating gene is taken from the Pacific Chinook salmon and a promoter is taken from the Ocean Pout salmon and added to the Atlantic salmons 40,000 genes. The whole purpose of the modification of the salmon is to increase the growth rate of the salmon, without affecting its ideal qualities or size. (Genetically Modified Salmon: What is it?, 2012). Essentially, the modification works by ensuring that the salmon growth cycle is continuous rather than seasonal. As a result, the fish grows to the preferred size within a time period of 1.5 years instead of 3 years; this is exactly half the time it takes for a regular …show more content…

AquAdvantage salmon contain two extra genes from other fish that make them grow to full size twice as fast as natural salmon. The AquAdvantage salmon are all female and possess three chromosomes instead of the usual two. AquaBounty Technologies, claim the risk of interbreeding with wild salmon is love because their fish are all sterile and grown in secure containers on land-based fish farms (Frankenfish, 2012).
Genetically modified salmon is currently categorized as a new animal drug. One of the major concerns over genetically modified salmon, and genetically modified food in general, is whether it is safe to eat. So far, the answer remains a unknown, though the latest studies suggest that genetically modified foods are safe to eat in general. However, the concerns over genetically modified salmon aren’t only based on the health effects. Concerns over the environmental effects dominate many conversations about genetically modified organisms (Genetically Modified Salmon , 2012). In the past it was found that in the fishing industry, the success of farm-raised Atlantic salmon made some people who worked in the commercial wild salmon fishing industry especially sensitive to potential impacts of GE salmon. Fishermen had concerns related to further increases in salmon aquaculture production and environmental harm to wild stocks. The salmon …show more content…

An electronic model showed that 70 escaped genetically modified fish interbreeding with the native population of 59,000 wild fish would end with the native fish extinct within 41 generations. In an effort to prevent effort to prevent effects from escaped fish, AquaBounty officials said they would raise only female fish that are 99% sterile. Any fish that does escape would not be able to reproduce (Genetically Modified Salmon ,

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