
Applying John Bowlby's Attachment Theory

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Attachment is important and abiding emotional bond that pairs one person to another across time and space. Attachment is not necessarily a reciprocal emotion one person may have some attachment to other while other does not share this. Attachment of adults towards child requires a special sense of love, care, and fulfilling of needs of the child. Such behavior is prevalent in every culture of the world. Attachment theory explains that how parent and child relationship comes into being and how it develops subsequent influences. John Bowlby (1958) originated attachment theory. He was psychiatrist in a child guidance clinic. He treated many emotionally disturbed children. Bowlby acknowledged the importance of mother-child relationship regarding their cognitive, social and emotional development. He believes that early years of infants require full attention of mothers as at that time child becomes attached to his mother. Bowlby defined attachment as “as the lasting psychological connectedness between human beings “. Schaffer and Peggy (1964) examined through a longitudinal study 60 toddlers for first 18 months of their life at monthly intervals. The children were in their homes and a pattern was found in their development …show more content…

The Learning / Behaviorist Theory of attachment (Dollard & Miller, 1950) argue that attachment is a set of learned behaviors. The basis of attachment learning is provision of food. The infant becomes attached initially to a person who feeds him/her. Through the classical process of conditioning the babies learn to associate the feeding person (usually mothers) with the comfort of being fed. They also learn with the passage of time that certain behaviors for example crying, smiling bring desirable response from others as attention, comfort. They learn through the process of operant conditioning to repeat this behavior in order to get these things they

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