
Application Of Electronic Medical Records

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City Hospital, a 200-bed inner-city hospital that has a 30-member primary care physician group that has one hospital-based clinic and 4 clinics dispersed throughout the local community. The purpose of electronic medical records is to improve the efficiency of health care delivery by sharing information of a patient 's history, treatment and outcomes. With this product we will save time, increase reimbursement, decrease physicians, nurses and other staff members wait time and increase better clinical outcomes. EMR generates data that can drive care quality, patient safety and effective financial management. The Center for Medical Services known as CMS has mandated that all facilities will have electronic records for all facilities by October 2019. CMS started making the mandate for people to use electronic medical records for submission for payment for Medicare and Medicaid (Entrikin, Tom. 2012).

The Design
In finding a system that was appropriate for City Hospital, there was a group of 13 team members of various levels, there were people selected from (5) representatives from senior management, The CEO the Operations person, the CFO, IT and a Project manager (1) board members (1) physician from the hospital and (1) physician representing the clinics, there were (3) nurses one from the hospital and (2) nurses representing the clinics. This group was selected to gather information, thoughts and feedback about Electronic Medical Record’s system that would

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