
Ap6 Language

Good Essays

Language can be seen and heard; it can be diverse or standard. With this in mind, discuss the different roles that language can have in a child's life
Language is used as a system of communication and can be both written and spoken (Fellowes p. 43). In Australian schools, our curriculum is delivered using Standard Australian English. For many Australians, this dialect of English is not what they are introduced to and learn at home. This highlights the richly diverse language that exists in Australian society and our school systems. For some children their first language may be completely foreign to English such as Mandarin but for others it could simply be a dialect of the multiple forms of English such as Aboriginal English. Acknowledging …show more content…

However, these conventions are not necessarily documented for children to learn from and even if they were an infant would not have the capacity to learn from them. Instead children learn the language conventions of their family group through social interactions. That is, it is through interactions with parents and siblings that the child learns; by observing and then imitating them (this comes fromP6 Language and Learning in the digital age). The oral language children develop at this age can have a large bearing on their success later in the schooling system as the ‘oral language underpins the whole scope of learning’ (understanding oral language p. 17). Children who have a good grasp of the oral language are better equipped to ask questions and give voice to their thoughts and interact with their teachers and peers (understanding language p 17). Therefore, it is essential that teachers focus on developing their students’ oral skills in order to develop other language skills (same again p17). This is supported by The Australian Curriculum (ACARA) and The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) which both put a focus on the development of childrens’ language and communication skills (same again p. 17). (look at Page 32 for a wrap up that you could use …show more content…

They are saturated with media of many forms, and therefore it is essential that classrooms embrace this to engage the children and prepare them for this world. It is important to do this because it acknowledges that their language is influenced by what happens in these environments and therefore it is relevant to the children. Teachers can also better prepare their students for a world that is saturated by media wanting them to buy this and do that by teaching them how to distinguish between fact and fiction (reference). Further to this, it is important to develop children’s ability to be critical of literature. Doing so allows the children to question not just the article but why the author may have written an article a certain way (reference). By doing this, teachers can help prepare students for the diverse environments that they will engage in when outside of the standard school

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