My results were nine out of thirty-three my score was average. I answered the questions truthfully, considering I’m a psychology major, but I knew the wrong answers was wrong. I could have answered the incorrect question that way the author of the assessment test, correctly. I didn’t want to cheat my true feelings in order to gain least incorrect answers. I normally don’t seek the approval of others in what I say or do, but I did think I would have gotten least wrong answers. I do agree with my results, I show an average degree of concern for the social desirability. I agree with the fact I conform to social rules and conventions.
3) A nurse takes care of a patient with cardiac dysrhythmia. Which of the following laboratory values is a priority for the nurse to monitor?
The second psychological test that examines BDD is the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination (BDDE) created by Rosen & Reiter (1994). This test contains a total of thirty-four items, scored on a Likert-style scale with 0 representing "never (or no)" and 6 corresponding to "everyday (or very important)" (Rosen & Reiter, 1994). It features various domains that include how respondents think others perceive their area of distress (if any), as well as self-consciousness and avoidance due to the area of distress (Rosen & Reiter, 1994). It is not a self-questionnaire format but rather designed as an interview based interaction that is filled out by the clinician (for clinical setting) and/or institution (for certain educational purposes) during an
Paula is apart of the target student group in her class. She does lack the cognitive capabilities as her peers in the higher cognitive functioning groups.Though Paula does show eagerness to perform as well as her other peers, there are many things, including her low cognitive ability, that keeps her from catching onto the information he is taught. During the initial pre-test, Paula, scored with a 33.34%,one of the two lowest scores in the class. Like her peers, Paula was not able to finish the test, and the test fairly measured the information that she was able to answer before getting highly frustrated with the pre-test like her peers. Paula was able to correctly identify the questions that asked about the needs of a plant. Paula was
10. If you are avoiding a specific food because of a bad memory, it is called food aversion. Which brain region is associated with food aversion?
1.Absolute Threshold: the minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50% of the time.
1. In chapter 1, Santrock describes some contemporary concerns in the study of development, including health and well-being, parenting and education, and sociocultural contexts. Which of the following concepts best relates to these contemporary concerns? On a separate sheet of paper write the letter of the best answer, and explain why it is the best answer.
To analyze the assessments – I’m happy with all my results. They all confirm my previous beliefs of myself. The first test I took was the personality test. My results were INFP – which is interesting because I normally ENFP with a side note saying I am also closely considered to be a INFP. This is due to me having Bipolar Disorder. With Bipolar Disorder, there are two moods – Manic and Depressive. If you know about the disorder my two personality types fit perfectly with the moods. In a manic episode I thrive off of social
The More I Learned, the More Interested I got in psychology. Module after module I was getting more and more interested. Unit 3,and especially Module 11 grabbed my attention the most. Module 11 discusses stages of memory and memory processes. This module answers the most important questions: “How our memory works?” and “How we are influenced by our memories?”.
The personality assessment inventory tests provide results on my individual personality, values, motivation, decision making, communication, team skills, conflict skills, organizational structure preference, and stress. These results are broken down briefly in three parts and do not include any personal speculation or analysis as to their meaning. The application of these results are further applied and explains how the results noted from the tests and in the first step will make me a better employee, co-worker, and manager within my organization. These tests mentioned above are applied in conjunction with particular examples on how I can achieve becoming a better employee, co-worker, and manager. An explanation of how my personality and experiences were affected by the Holy Spirit is also discussed. Particularly, how potential weaknesses have become strengths with the guidance of the Lord.
I have found the test really interesting. All the questions were answered honestly and with great curiosity for the output. Although I had an idea of how my behavior and my attitude is, in some parts the results really surprised me. I know for example, that I am not really the best person to hang out; therefore the grade for Gregariousness was really high. I had also found out that I can be described as a little lazy, which I cannot say it is true, or although I feel a terrible sympathy for blind people (I really don’t know why) instead of another group of disabled people, nevertheless the test indicated that my level of sympathy is low, which was quite a big shock.
Labels distinguish individuals in everyday life; if 2000 people from across the world were randomly selected and put into categories of hair colour, none of them would share exactly the same shade of colour. Despite this continuity humans still continue to assign each other to discrete hair-colour categories such as ‘blonde’ or ‘brown’ which have no basis in biology but still go on to determine how that person is thought of in society. The American Psychology Association (APA) provides guidelines for researchers to follow in both research and writing scientifically in order to avoid any form of labelling bias when referring to participants or groups of participants. These guidelines are in place to ensure that the participants within research or experiments are protected against any psychological harm on a personal and emotional level but also from the effects of labelling within society.
During our class this week, one of our homework assignments was to complete the “Identifying Your Social Style” assessment. This was a very thought-provoking assessment to take and my results were interesting to say the least. My results were as follows, I received a 26 in assertiveness and a 37 in responsiveness which placed me in the amiable quadrant. According to the information learned, several words used to describe me are conforming, pliable, supportive, dependable, and willing. My reaction to my scores were fascinating because I did not agree with my results in the beginning. However, after I went on further to read the explanation attached to my score I had a better understanding of my marks.
The American Psychological Association (APA), “a scientific and professional organization,” facilities annual conferences to discuss current events in psychology (APA, 2015, p 1). August 2015 marked the “123rd Annual Convention [in] Toronto, Ontario California” (p. 1). At this convention, Dr. Aaron T. Beck expounded on his 15 year old theory that Cognitive Therapy (CT) was an effective treatment modality for Schizophrenia (p. 2). Consequently, Beck found that CT only showed successful outcomes for mild to moderate Schizophrenia and not severe Schizophrenia (p. 2). Eager to find an effective treatment modality, Beck modified CT to focus specifically on negative cognition which is more severe in individuals with severe Schizophrenia (p. 3).
Mr Jericho Rosales is currently in the process of annulment of his marriage to Ms Kristine Hermosa-Rosales. Respondent Jericho is claimed by other party to be suffering from Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder with underlying Narcissistic Traits.
Psychological tests and or psychological assessments are an important asset in the field of psychology. These tests are designed to measure people’s characteristics which pertain to behavior. There are a variety of different types of tests that can be used to assess different types of behaviors. According to the specific behavior or behaviors being assessed, tests are categorized into two types, ability tests and personality tests. Ability tests, which encompass achievement, aptitude, and intelligence testing are used to determine capacity or potential by measuring scores based on speed, accuracy, or both. On the other hand, personality tests, which include structured or projective are used to determine behavior traits, that may be overt