
Ap Biology Lab

Better Essays
Category: Botany
Problem to Solve: Which water works through the plant fastest?
Buy white flowers, carnations
Split the stems in two
Place each side of the stem into a different cup
Use one color of food coloring in one side of the stem
Use different waters
Track which water moves faster through the plant

Hypothesis: Water would move through the tap water faster due to lack of salt. The soft water would also have salt but has more nutrients, soaks up color better. The reverse osmosis would do the worst, least color transfer and wilting.

Hypothesis correct?: Yes and no. The tap water did soak up the color best, however the plants in soft water and the reverse osmosis …show more content…

In other words, which water gets into our plants the quickest? Plants need water in order to photosynthesis and create their food. Without water, they could not complete the process and would die. All populations on earth consume plants and what they provide. Trees convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, which we need to breathe. The world eats plants to provide vitamins, bone growth, and a variety of other aiding factors. It’s a widely known fact that it’s important to know how to take care of our plants. The purpose of this project was to discover what type of water: tap, soft, and reverse osmosis; is best for a plant. With this information we, as a world, can grow to be more …show more content…

Humans regularly destroy natural landscapes on daily basis. Humans will contribute to destroying an ecosystem without even knowing it, by littering or using aerosols. The only way that these organisms can keep up is through being better taken care of. It’s known that water, sunlight, and soil is needed for a plant to thrive. There have been many studies on types of soil and levels of sunlight to determine which is best. There are studies on the amounts of water a plant needs to survive, this is great for farmers to be economically efficient but what about the casual gardeners? The average gardener likely doesn’t have top class soil, water, or optimal sunlight levels. Our research will focus specifically on water that’s readily available to the Perkins household and see which would be best for the household when taking care of their plantlife. Through this research, we hope to find information that is of use for any of the casual gardener population. The hypothesis is that the tap or untreated water, will be best for the plants thus retaining the most color. This is what’s typically used. In addition, soft water will be used. This water is thought to do well in taking color in our experiment. Healthwise, not better than the untreated water, but not as bad as the reverse osmosis. Lastly, the reverse osmosis is going to do the worst. The flower may wilt and the color won’t take

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