Clostridial Aortitis Causing Ruptured Dissecting Aneurysm In A Young Adult Female Introduction Ruptured dissecting aortic aneurysm more commonly occur in men age between 40 to 70 and most commonly associated with atherosclerosis. Other uncommon causes are previous hearts surgery, connective tissue disorder and aortitis.1Infection of the aorta has an overall incidence between 0.7% and 2.6 % with salmonella spp. representing the most commonly identified pathogens. A rare cause of aortic aneurysm is clostridium spp, which typically occurs in patients with multiple co-morbidities.2Clostridium spp infection progresses very rapidly with mortality rate of approximately 79% in adults, typically occurring within 48 hours of infection.3In younger individuals, aortic dissection is most commonly associated with …show more content…
Diseases of the aorta. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman's Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2011:chap 78. 2.Smith-Slatas CL, Bourque M, Salazar JC. Clostridium septicum infections in children: a case report and review of the literature. Pediatrics. 2006;117(4):e796-805. 3.Koransky JR, Stargel MD, Dowell VR Jr. Clostridium septicum bacteremia. Its clinical significance. Am JMed. 1979;66(1):63-6. 4.Saukko P, Knight B. Knight’s forensic pathology. 3rd ed. London: CRC Press; 2004. 5.Todar K. Todar’s online textbook of bacteriology [Internet].Available from: 6.Hoeprich PD. Infectious Diseases. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1994. p. 1255-8 7.Bahnson HT, Nelson AR. Cystic medial necrosis as a cause of localized aortic aneurysms amenable to surgical treatment. Ann Surg. 1956;144(4):519-29. 8.Wiesenfarth JM. Acute Aortic Dissection [Internet]. [cited 2010 Oct 10]. Available from: 9.Carlson RG, Lillehei CW, Edwards JE.Cystic medial necrosis of the ascending aorta in relation to age and hypertension.Am J Cardiol.
It was established that the patient’s symptoms were due to an aortic regurgitation this was confirmed by echocardiogram. The use of the SOAPIER model is an effective means of providing rationale for a holistic clinical decision making. The findings and treatment options were discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting including Mr Jones and family. The family were informed that surgery was the safest treatment option. Complications that could happen with or without surgery were also explained ensuring that the patient had adequate understanding to make a valid choice about his treatment. Mr Jones agreed that a replacement of the aortic valve with a mechanical valve was necessary, thus it last for more than twenty years or more . Mr Jones
Aortic arch angiogram: shows right aortic arch with the following branching pattern (from proximal to distal): left common carotid, right common carotid, right subclavian artery. The origin of left subclavian (with anomalous origin) was not seen as it was ligated previously. However, the distal portion is filled with diluted contrats likely through a retrograde flow through the left vertebral artery. Patent Rt MAPCA with no intimal ingrowth was seen in the previously placed stent at the origin of Rt MAPCA. Dilated tortus RIMA which is likely profusion the right upper lung lobe (aortopulmonary collaterals) left BT shunt is wide patent (connected left common carotid artery to the interposition graft) with good caliber with mild narrowing at its insertion in the interposition graft.
6 days old female with TOF, pulomanry atresia large VSD, right sided aortic arch with mirror image branching, left sided large PDA originating from the left innominate artery, confluent PA branches, and no significant AP collaterals.
Results: The abdominal aorta appears mildly irregular above and below the renal arteries, with no significant stenosis. (Separate the codes with a comma in your response as follows: XXXXX, XXXXX.)
Aortic Dissection: She doesn’t experience from this condition because she doesn’t have sever hypertension and absent peripheral pulses. Also, she doesn’t have a wide mediastinum with extension of the aortic wall beyond the calcific border.
Clostridium difficile was initially thought to be part of the normal flora and C. difficile infections were miss identified as Staphylococcus aureus or Candida albicans. The C. difficile toxin was later identified in 1977 after a clinical trial using clindamycin caused patients to have diarrhea. The next year, in 1978, antibiotic use was quickly discovered as the major risk factor (Brymer, 2007). Clostridia belong to the phylum Firmicutes and comprise a heterogeneous group consisting of at least 12 lineages. Morphological and phenotypic properties that have traditionally been used to define the genus include the formation of endospores, anaerobic energy metabolism, an inability to reduce sulfate to sulfide, and a Gram- positive cell wall structure. Clostridia usually form spores only under anaerobic conditions, they grow better anaerobically than in air (Stevens,2015). Clostridium difficile infection is the most common infectious cause of diarrhea in the Intensive Care Unit.
Checking in to the hospital comes with a heavy price tag, and sometimes you get more than what you bargained for. As highly trained doctors, nurses, and staff traverse through the hospital, they carry with them microbial agents of disease. Although regarded as centers for treatment and prevention, hospitals are also known to harbor nosocomial, healthcare-associated, bacterial infections. These infections can be a result of overused or inappropriately used antibiotics and the breaching of infection containment policies by patients and staff. Though healthcare-associated infections have been decreasing, one infection inciting nosocomial bacterium,
This paper will briefly discuss what Clostridium Difficile is, how it is transferred, and what nursing actions can be in place to help protect the patients and myself.
Proper collection of blood cultures are necessary and the most direct method of determining whether or not a patient is septic. The purpose of obtaining blood cultures is to identify and isolate the bacteria that are causing an illness and then determine the best course of treatment based on the sensitivity of the bacteria to particular antibiotics. One of the most frustrating problems plaguing hospitals is the increased rate at which blood culture results are being returned as contaminated specimens. These results can lead to a significant increase in cost to the hospital and patient as well as an increased length in hospital
While not specifically focused on watchful waiting, this article discusses studies and gives data on rates of spontaneous resolution of AOM without use of antibiotics. This is useful evidence in support of watchful waiting as an option.
Introduction to Jude I. Jude 1:1 What is known About Jude II. Jude1:1 Who is the Letter Written to III. Jude 1:2
An AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm) is defined as enlargement of at least 3 cm of the abdominal aorta. The majority of abdominal aortic aneurysms begins below the renal arteries and ends above the iliac arteries. The exact cause of (AAAs) is unknown. However, it is thought to be due to a degenerative process of the abdominal aorta caused by atherosclerosis. Artherosclerosis represents a response to vessel wall injury caused by inflammation, genetically regulated defects in collagen and fibrillin, increased protease activity within the arterial wall, and mechanical factors (Stoelting p. 143).
Sound is very much important to our daily live, but noise is not. Noise is used as an annoying sound. Most of us every time hear the sounds in everyday life, likewise the traffic, the television, loud music, people talking on their phone and even pets shouting in the middle of the night. A lot of these things have become a part of the culture and hardly annoys us. Moreover, noise is made by big trucks, household gadgets, vehicles, motorbikes on the road, loud speakers and jet planes and helicopters’ flying over cites, etc. However, airplanes have been an effective noise pollution which the community members living in the suburban nearby the airport are disturbed by the jet noise that planes are making while departing and arriving to
The mandate of the Body of Christ to make disciples has been established. The Church needs to embody in physical structuring and deeds what is necessary to make this happen. It is obvious we need to do whatever it takes to make that a reality.
To begin with, the word aneurysm derives from the Latin word “aneurysma.” In Latin “aneurysma” means dilation and dilation means that act of expanding. From this, it is easier to figure out what an aneurysm really is. The definition of the English word aneurysm means, blood-filled dilation of a blood vessel. There are several different types of aneurysm, but this report will only cover a cerebral one.