
Anxiety Disorders And Its Effects On Children 's Life

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Sweaty palms, trembling hands, and a tendency to stutter are common, and are regarded as normal when students, or generally younger adults, are to give a presentation of some sort in front of a group, class, or crowd; excessive breathing issues, nausea, and adamant reluctance to even speak are not, and should not be treated as such. When the first three behaviors shift into the latter three, concern should arise in the parents or guardians of whomever the younger person is, as it is likely that their fear of social presentation could very well be something forming into a much more severe matter of worry: an anxiety disorder. As the mental development that takes place in the early years of life are pivotal to the rest of one’s overall health, issues such as anxiety disorders that are left untreated are very detrimental and can trail into adulthood as well (Children’s Mental Health - New Report). It is important for parents and guardians to be involved in their child’s life so that they are able to recognize a severe shift in the perfectly normal, and beneficial, anxiety felt in one’s younger years to a kind that keeps the child from living their life properly and to their full potential.
A common, but dangerous, mindset that some parents or guardians take on in the face of their child’s unusual levels of anxiety is one of dismissal in which they disregard the forming issue as a phase of some sort that every child must endure; however, such a belief is only partially correct.

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