
Anxiety Disorder Research Paper

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Anxiety Disorder: It is a psychological disturbance marked by irrational fears, often of everyday objects and situations. With anxiety disorder, worry and fear are constant and overwhelming, and can be highly demanding on the sufferer.

Mood disorder: The positive or negative feelings that are in the background of our everyday experiences.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): "Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an emotional illness that usually develops as a result of a terribly frightening, life-threatening, or otherwise highly unsafe experience. PTSD sufferers re-experience the traumatic event or events in some way, tend to avoid places, people, or other things that remind them of the event (avoidance), and are exquisitely sensitive …show more content…

When making a diagnostic, we must look at complete picture, including biological, personal and social factors. In other words, unusual behavior may be biological, social or personal in nature; therefore a psychologist will have to look at the various aspects to make correct diagnosis and proffer adequate and correct …show more content…

And the DSM does not attempt to specify the exact symptoms that are required for a diagnosis. Rather, the DSM uses categories, and patients whose symptoms are similar to the description of the category are said to have that disorder. The DSM frequently uses qualifiers to indicate different levels of severity within a category. For instance, the disorder of mental retardation can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe.

The disorder I want to base my diagnosis on is 'Anxiety Disorder.' Looking carefully at Axis 1 of the DSM, we found this disorder is more psychological than biological or social though diagnostic could not be exact. After Psychological Assessment of the patient, the next is to prepare the mind of the patient to feel assured of receiving professional services, nature, cost, duration and their privacy after which I will embark on psychotherapy. I will engage the patient on friendly discussion.

The form of treatment I will give to a person suffering from generalized anxiety disorder is based on psychodynamic and humanism, by engaging with the patient one on one so the patient could pour his/her mind freely that is to 'verbalize his thought' then I will help the person to grow by providing him a non judgmental

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