
Antonio's Fate In Bless Me, Ultima

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The fate of many characters in Bless Me, Ultima usually has a correlation to the dreams of Antonio. On the other hand, Antonio’s fate is foretold by the actions and choices of the other characters. Not to mention, Antonio is influence by others close to him as the story revolves around the characters interacting with him. Furthermore, he is torn by the religious belief of his mother and the magical powers of Ultima. Similarly, he is also unsure what he wants to be as his mother desired for him to be a priest, on the contrary, his father wished for him to be a vaquero. Altogether, the destiny of many characters correlate to the dreams of Antonio, he is torn by religious beliefs of others and to the magical activities that’s happening around him, and he’s uncertain on what he wants to be when he …show more content…

With this in mind, Ultima did have a huge impact on Antonio’s destiny as the story goes because she usually have connection to the characters that appears in Antonio’s dreams and also, the actions she made has influence Antonio’s decisions on many of the characters like Tenorio. Another person’s fate that had a correlation with Antonio’s dreams is Florence. Antonio saw him in one of dreams as written in the book “...finally I saw the body of Florence…” (243) , Antonio has seen two other people in this dreams but “These are the men[Lupito and Narciso] I have seen die” (243). He is was sadden as he knows what happen to Florence. At the same dream, Antonio saw Tenorio “...captured the night-spirit of Ultima and murdered it...” (244). As we know that all of the people in his dream have recently died, we infer about Ultima’s death at the death with this dream. To conclude, Antonio’s dreams are very vivid about the other character’s destinies as he has a very close relations with

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