
Antigone Gender Roles

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Women in Ancient Greece were shown to be treated unfairly and less superior to men in homes, as wives, and in society as shown in Sophocles's play Antigone. They were looked down upon and thought of as less intelligent, as if they weren't really needed except for reproducing, doing housework, and taking care of children. Also, women were considered dangerous due to their emotions as they could hurt themselves or someone else. Antigone presents a variety of these ideas of how Women's roles played out in Ancient Greece.

One of the main ideas about women in Ancient Greece that stand out is that they were thought to be less intelligent especially compared to men. Although, these thoughts seemed to have evolved drastically today, they did not change for quite a long time prior. The following quote from Antigone gives an outlook on how a smart woman, Antigone, proving she is capable of being as wise as a man, "There is no happiness where there is no wisdom; No wisdom, but in submission to the Gods. Big words are always punished, and proud man in old age learn to be wise," (Sophocles line 1039-1043). …show more content…

Evidently, this lead to the idea that women's emotions were considered dangerous, and they needed to be protected. This quote from Antigone shows her actions after her emotions get the best of her, "She stood before the altar, and her heart. Welcome the knife her own hand guided, ... And for Haemon dead. Her sons; and her last breathe was a curse for their father, the murdered of her sons. And she fell, and the dark flowed in through her closing eyes," (Sophocles line 1012-1017). However, she expresses a feeling of true love for her family through her actions, and women were not known for the capability of doing

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