
Antigone Character Descriptions

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Antigone Character Descriptions

Antigone- Antigone is a rebellious, determined, and loyal sister. She has two brothers, a sister, and two dead parents. She comes from a dark past and is overcomed by the task of burying her unburied, dead brother though it is forbidden. Antigone is a young lady that is extremely daring and mature for her age and the one that stirs up an interesting story.
Haimon- Haimon is a prince blindsided by love. He is a disgraceful burden to his father and a romantic to his cousin- lover. He is easily influenced by his soulmate, rebels against his father, and is determined to die with his cousin- I mean fiance.
Creon- Creon is a powerful and prideful person with a story of woe. He pays no attention to his beloved relationships

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