
Antif Ku Klux Klan, The Neo-Nazis

Satisfactory Essays

AntiFa... here we go. Before I start, I must identify each group of the protesters and counterprotesters at Charolettesville. On the right, we have the Ku Klux Klan, the Neo-Nazis, and (believe it or not) regular people who just wanted to express their belief of wanting to keep up the Robert E. Lee statue. On the left, we have Black Lives Matter, AntiFa, and some regular people who wanted to express their belief on taking the Robert E. Lee statue down. I am simply listing each group, I would like that to be know. Not all of these groups participated in the violence. But I will surely identify who did. I've wanted to talk about AntiFa for an extensive period of time. The reason? They are not covered in any form of media. The most

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