
Anticipatory Performance Lab Report

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Expert cricket players are asked to anticipate the direction of bowled balls by using coupled movement and uncoupled responses in each of the four visual blur conditions (Mann et al., 2010c). The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between visual blur and the coupling of perception and action when responding to anticipatory performance. The study also looks at the effect between visual blur and movement velocity. This study is included in the paper because the methods is a mix between the previous two papers in hopes of getting similar results. For this experiment there were two response conditions; a coupled condition where participants were asked to hit an approaching ball, and an uncoupled condition where participants verbally …show more content…

College baseball players and non-baseball players were asked to swing a bat, coupled response, or push a button, uncoupled response, when the baseball arrived at the interception point. Ready postures were the same in both condition and once they responded by swinging or pushing the button the participants were asked to identify if the balls color had changed and if so what was the final color it changed to. The science behind this is that the primary (V1) and secondary (V2) visual cortices project to area MT that is involved in the dorsal visual pathway and specializes in processing motion and depth. Visual area 4 (V4) is involved in the ventral system and is specialized in processing form and color. As the contribution from the dorsal pathway increases as the interceptive action gets closer to the interception point the color change recognition will decrease in the coupled anticipation. However, if we saw performance demonstrated comparable color recognition in both the coupled and uncoupled group then we would know that the interception action is caused by the ventral

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