
Antibacterial Colonies Lab Report

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The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the growth of bacterial colonies on two test subjects. With reasoning, the door knob and the inside of the sink appeared to be the better choices due to the fact that the door knob comes in contact with every student who enters and leaves the classroom and the second choice was the sink because it gets a daily use as well, at least by anyone who needs to drain something or wash their hands. The null hypothesis stated that the door handle was going to be home to more bacterial colonies because of the regular grabbing and the average human hand contains hundreds of thousands of genetically distinct bacteria. However, based on the collection of data, the sink harvested far more colonies than we could count in the petri dishes. Concluding the end with a t-value of +/- 2.9436. By analyzing the data, concluding the t-value rejected the null hypothesis.

The human …show more content…

After further analysis of the results its clear to understand why the sink had so many more colonies. According to a study done by Yamagata University Hospital in Japan (1993) they realized that as they continue to clean surfaces bacteria began to pop up even after the cleaning due to the bacteria building up some sort of immunity to the disinfectant which led us the result that in our lab the bacteria in the sink progresses over time, builds the immunity and reproduces. An item that raised an eyebrow was why the control subject had a colony but this is merely due to human error most likely to contamination on something before rubbing the petri dish. For future reference, it would be a better idea to think about bacteria disinfectant resistance into play. According to Cambridge University (2015) bacteria is always going to be around humans and on humans but it is not something that we must worry too much because it is not always a health

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