
Anthrax Research Paper

Decent Essays

Anthrax is a living bacteria that is actually found naturally in soil around the world. The disease is caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bacteria that affects almost all parts of the body. There are 4 major types of anthrax: Cutaneous, Inhalation, Gastrointestinal, and Injection. Symptoms of anthrax can occur anywhere between 1 day and 2 months of contracting the disease (Anthrax, 2014). While domestic and wild animals are the most likely living things to contract anthrax in America, it is very unlikely that anyone or anything will catch it because anthrax vaccinations are very highly recommended in areas where the disease has been found before. For a person to contract the disease from an infected animal, he or she would have to either eat undercooked meat from that animal or get blood or other bodily fluid into an open wound on his or her skin. Other ways to contract the disease are to breathe in the spores, eat or drink something that has been infected with spores, or get spores in a cut or scrape (Anthrax, 2014). …show more content…

This is because they have so much more farmland over there, so there is more room for the spore to naturally occur and the animals to pick it up and pass it to the humans. In northern Europe, however, there have been reported cases of injection anthrax. Injection anthrax is when a person injects heroin into their bodies with unclean needles. But, lucky for us, there have been no cases of injection anthrax in the

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