
Antebellum Era Dbq

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The Antebellum years consisted of many reforms that were put into effect in order to better American society. These efforts included movements to abolish slavery, bring knowledge to women’s rights, and encourage temperance. The new perspective of the idea that all men are created equal brought about an end to slavery during the Antebellum era. During this time, human rights were only granted to white males and were withheld from other races. This disheartening matter made it possible for a man whose complexion was not white to become property of a white man. This is because a white man was viewed as superior to other men of different races and thus able to own a man of color. The new perspective of the Declaration of Independence inspired action to be taken on this matter of slavery. This is evident in The Liberator: “To the Public” 1831 when it is stated, “ ‘…that all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights…’ I …show more content…

Women were seen as inferior to men and thus their rights were disregarded. This thought of male supremacy was pushed to its end once knowledge was brought to women’s rights during the Seneca Falls Conference of 1848. During this conference, awareness was raised on the fact that women were equal to men. Once society was notified of women’s equal rights, they became aware of the way women’s rights were withheld from them by men. Women were not permitted to practice their rights which were granted to them by birth. This issue of women’s rights was addressed and publicly acknowledged in 1848 in “The Declaration of Sentiments,” which was recorded in the Modern History Sourcebook, when it demands that, “…the right of women as right-bearing individuals be acknowledged and respected by society…” This declaration was shaped by following closely to the U.S. Declaration of Independence which informs us that all humans are born with equal

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