To evaluate the effectiveness of ant cancer treatment, first it is important to understand the difference between normal cells and cancer cells, as well as the effect of cancer cells have on a healthy individual. Normal cells grow and divide as the body needs them. As a cell grows, genetically it is programmed to perform a certain task. As a cell matures abd eventally dies, the body produces new cells. This is an ongoing process, which if not interrupted, will keep the body healthy and functioning well. Normal cells are stimulated by growth signals. Because of this, the cells know when to divide and when to stop. Cancer occurs when there is an imbalance or change in the normal cell production. As a result, there is an overgrowth of abnormal
The defining goal is to eliminate all evidence of the cancer cells with the use of cytotoxic agents. Chemotherapeutic agents are chosen because of their ability to interfere with oncologic cell division. The treatment of ALL involves 3 phases: remission induction, consolidation, and maintenance therapy. Pediatric patients with ALL are often given 8 or more months of intensive chemotherapy. This is often followed by maintenance therapy of two or more years (Gedaly-Duff et al., 2006). Most treatment protocols use systemic chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy (McCance & Huether, 2010). According to a study conducted by McDonald & Mc Carthy (2005), success of chemotherapy and remission depends on “aggressive induction chemotherapy followed by delayed intensification and maintenance therapy, p. 809.”
For each value shown we can determine that there is a strong correlation between drug concentration and % cell viability. This can tell us that as the drug concentration increases the % cell viability decreases. This shows that the chemotherapeutic agent is having the desired effect.
There are many differences and similarities between normal and cancer cells. G1 occurs at the beginning of the cell cycle, the cell is at the smallest size but it starts growing. Normal cells grow till it’s big enough but cancer cells keep growing even after it’s big enough. Their communication is also different because the cancer cells don’t communicate, so they don’t know when to stop. When something goes wrong normal cells either get repaired or they die; while cancer cells do neither. One protein called P53 has the job of checking to see if the cell is too damaged to repair and if it is, it advises the cell to kill
Cancer is a term used for diseases in which irregular cells divide without any control and have the capability to penetrate and infect normal body tissue through the blood and lymph system. Cancer is the second leading cause of mortality in the United States, exceeded barely by heart disease. According to the CDC Cancer Statistics and Data, there were more than 1.45 million people diagnosed with various kind of cancer between 1999 and 2007 and out of those more than 562,000 people died due to cancer (, 2012). Currently there are more than 200 different types of cancer that have been discovered. Cancer could be
Cancer is a disease in which cells multiply out of control and gradually build a mass of tissue called a tumor. There has been a large amount of research dedicated to the treatment and cure of cancer. Several types of treatments have been developed. The following are just some of the major examples of cancer therapy: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biologic therapy, biorhythms, unconventional treatments, and hyperthermia. Each type of treatment is discussed in detail below.
In the United States alone, there was an estimated 1,685,210 new cases of cancer and an estimated of 595,690 people will die from the disease in 2016 ("Cancer Statistics”). Cancer is a very common aliment that affects men, women, children, and all races and ethnicities. There are many different types of cancers, and cancer research has been a focal point for many scientists. There are various treatments that a cancer patient to undergo. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immune therapy are among the most common ones. Each treatment works differently, and has different positive and negative side effects.
The evaluation looks at these factors in relationship to the cancer’s invasion of other organs, metastases to lymph nodes or beyond and the persistence or recurrence of the cancer
Cancer cell divide by bypassing the three cell checkpoints, G1, S, and G2. (Seitz) The cancerous cells can pass through the checkpoints by tricking the cell into the next phase, where a normal cell would have caught the error and stopped the cell cycle. ("Karyotyping Cancer Cells.") Cancerous cells are not reserved by size, allowing them to grow and replicate. (Seitz) Cancerous cells are extremely dangerous and can trick cells into creating more.
When one finds out he/she has cancer, that is a hard pill to swallow, if told the cancer is severe and chemotherapy is needed , it puts mental, physical, and emotional stress on patients and requires them to make major adjustments in many key areas of their lives. As part of the body's natural process, cells are constantly replaced through a process of dividing and growing.Once cancer occurs, cells reproduce in an uncontrolled manner as this happens more and more cells are produced, and they start to occupy an increasing amount of space until they occupy the space previously inhabited by useful cells. For this reason chemotherapy was introduced as , apoptosis, which is the killer of cancer cells. The drugs used in chemotherapy are those whom interfere with a cancer cell's ability to divide and reproduce.
For the chemotherapy dose not differentiate between cancer cell and healthy cell which in the end kill the bad and good cell targets dividing cells—interferes with wound healing which pointed out to us by Cincovidas
The human body is an amazing system consisting of more than 60,000 billion cells. These cells make up the organs in our body and each cell will live different lengths of time, being about four months on average for red blood cells, and over a year for white blood cells. In order for our body to keep living, each cell multiplies into two cells before it dies. However, sometimes the cell won’t properly divide and die, which can cause many problems, including cancer.
The general public does not have a complete understanding of how cancer research is conducted. When a person gets diagnosed with cancer he believe that his doctor has the medicine and all the necessary tools to solve and cure their cancer immediately. As result of this, this misunderstanding is what can cause a huge rift and misinterpretation of what cancer therapies and medicines are actually used for. The medications used to treat cancer are predominately experimental, meaning for some cancer patients the formation of more cancer cells may become dormant or suppressed, but for others the medicine available may in fact do the complete opposite. Because cancer is such a complex and unique illness and everyone’s body is different, this alone puts a displacement on how the effect of what medications can be used to treat certain patients. Since there are multiple levels of cancer, the general public has to understand that currently, today, there is not one drug produced that will completely eliminate cancer cells and their effects. Nevertheless, this does not mean researches and experimentalist and not taking the necessary steps to getting closer to providing the aid need for this disease. The steps researches and experimentalist usually take when trying to understand cancers typically are made to help prevent, diagnosis, treat, and cure the on-set of this disease. The specific steps are to first do basic research to identify the cause(s) and
This article focuses on the many problems ANT faces in a real-life setting and how EHR’s are affected by this theory. In order to implement electronic health records across the nation, this helps improve quality care, decrease costs for caregivers, insurance companies, and patients. Moving to electronic records will help data to be exchanged between caregivers to obtain the best quality result for the patient. The doctor can pull up an electronic chart of the patient instead of looking up files, meaning lots of time will be saved for all actors in the network. These social and technical components of the system will interact and shape the new healthcare IT industry. This ANT theory is a tool to evaluate how successful these actors plays in
There is several different method of treatment for cancer. The Method that a patient would receive is based on the form of cancer and the patient. The main fact taken into consideration when determining the best treat is the severity of the cancer. What stage and the type of cancer are also considered when researching the best method of treatment. A patient’s age is also a big factor in what method a patient is considered for.
A cancerous cell must adapt to various biological chemical pathways and modify itself to impose its malignant behavior not only in humans but as well as in other species. The authors, Douglas Hanahan and Robert A. Weinberg points out six significant variations in cell physiology that leads to the composition of most of these cancerous cell. The cell autonomy in growth signals, insensivity to growth-inhibitory signals, avoid apoptosis, endless replication, angiogenesis sustainability, as well as neighboring tissue invasion along with metastasis are main acquired capabilities of cancer cells. The article’s significance depends on its simplicity to convey information by providing concise methods as to how the cancer cell acquires the capabilities to turn normal human cells into cancerous one.