
Anorexia Nervosa Research Paper

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She entered the hospital emergency room frightened and lonely. The past months for her were the worst of her life. As the nurse hooked her up to the heart moniter, she heard a loud beep inticating her heart beat was extremely low. She glanced at the screen; dispite being scared and anxious, the numbers fifty-six stared back at her. Her heart beat would slow down to thirty- six beats per minute at one point during the length of the girl’s stay. The girl finally realised she was extremely sick. She was sick with anorexia nervosa. Anorexia is a type of eating disorder that is characterised by extreme weight loss, restrictive eating or purging, and a fear a gaining weight. Anorexia Nervosa is a sereve illness that is accompanied by life-threatning …show more content…

Since the body does not recieve enough nurishment, many anorexics suffer from severe medical complications. Anorexia Nervosa is the mental illness with the highest mortality rate (“Health”). The systems human bodies feel unimportant, hair and nail growth, reproductive system, and others not vital surviving begin to shut down. Body muscle is lost from the lack of food intake. The heart muscle takes a big impact. Often victims of anorexia suffer from a slow or irregular heartbeat. The weakened heart will eventually slow down and not be able to function anymore, resulting in death (Caseiro, D). The reproductive system also shuts down; when this happens, there is a chance early menopause will occur. Osteoperosis, or the loss of bone density, is also a common side-effect (University). The health consiquences of anorexia nervosa are all threatening to the lives of …show more content…

The number one thing an anorexic victim needs for a successful recovery is suppory and direction. Without another person to hold the anorexic up, the victim would probably fall back into the patterns of the disease. In some cases, like when extremely underweight and malnurished, medical hospitalization is needed to stabalize the serious complications that accompany the mental disorder. Other types of treatment include impatient and partial mental hospitalization, which deals with trying to mentally recover from the eating disorder. If and when a person is ready to take the next step forward in recover, outpatient couselor visits are an option. Though many steps and much hard work is needed to try to recover from anorexia nervosa, the symptoms and fear of gaining weight can exist for the rest of the victim’s life (University). Other former anorexics live a life without the problems and challenges of anorexia nevosa. It is very important to get an anorexic help, however is best for the situation, when he or she is suffering from the mental

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