Leadership of twenty first century has been affected by various aspects of psychology and behavioral change. Various theories describe the importance that their aspects have in a leader’s life. This article discusses, the theories, their importance and the way they affect one leadership life. The paper’s objective is to discuss leadership and how culture influences the performance of an individual and unit in the organization one works for and talks about transformational leadership and the inter-connection between psychological behavior and behavioral change. The paper would explain whether leaders having improved transformational leadership style demonstrate different psychological reaction compared to leaders whose leadership skills do not …show more content…
Annotated bibliography helps in finding out whether the topic fits into the wider context in terms of the impact that these theories have on one leadership. It is important for the professor to find out whether the student has thoroughly read and understood the given subject literature and annotated bibliography helps in finding out and pointing at the source he or she has missed. Annotated bibliography while describing the servant leadership and transformative leadership gives information to students on the process of transitioning to a transformational and servant leader both at school and home through discussion on the credibility and relevance of the topic. While doing a project on transformational and servant leadership, annotated bibliography forms the first step in carrying out the research and could also be itself a research in its own right. Writing annotated bibliography facilitates and compels the writer to completely comprehend the topic of discussion in an extremely summative …show more content…
The employee responses were based on a web survey that included questions on servant culture, store performance, customer service behavior, creativity, servant leadership, identification with the store and turnover intentions. An Exploratory Factor Analysis along with Confirmatory analysis was carried out for data analyses followed by substantive conclusion in the aim of lending support to the service culture promotion argument that was more theoretical. The author recommends future study in order to ensure ascertained generalization in respect of the professional sample results. Liden also argues that servant leadership would always remain relevant to an organization globally and leaders would have to embrace a leadership style that would include employees in the implementation of all organizational
Servant leadership isn’t applied or adequate to only one type of culture or even one type of culture. Servant leadership can actually be applied to all walks of life and all parts of the world. For example, the culture of the Japanese and the religion of the Hindu people both embrace a sense of what we call servant leadership. All religions and cultures have their own unique way in which they apply servant leadership, either based on their beliefs, history, or lifestyles. The significance of servant leadership is demonstrated in different ways within each culture and religion even when some cultures are not aware that what they are implying is servant leadership. As religions and cultures change and expand through time the concept of servant leadership is adapted and applied in different ways.
Servant leadership is not just a Christian philosophy. As defined by Robert K. Greenleaf, a servant leader is “a servant first….It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first” (What is Servant Leadership, n.d.). Servant leadership is global, not relegated to the United States. China is home to over 1 billion people that represent 56 ethnic minority groups including Han Chinese, Tibetans, Mongols and the Manchus (Sanders, 2014).
Servant leadership: “A leadership philosophy in which an individual interacts with others, either in a management or fellow employee capacity - with the aim of achieving authority rather than power. The authority figure intends to promote the well-being of those around him/her. Servant leadership involves the individual demonstrating the characteristics of empathy, listening, stewardship and commitment to personal growth toward others” (Investopedia). This definition is only one of many ways to describe what a true servant leader does and is. The center point is this leader’s main focus is on others, not themselves. To create a relationship to lead, to teach, to encourage opposed to control. The true significance
Servant leadership can be defined as a, “philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world” (What is Servant Leadership). Robert Greenleaf first introduced the idea of servant leadership in 1977 as a way to transform leadership to focus on serving others including employees, customers and the community (Marquis and Huston, 2015). Due to the primary focus of serving others, it comes to no surprise that servant leadership and its supporting characteristics are gaining popularity in the nursing field. Although most sources identify ten characteristics of servant leadership, this paper will focus on listening, empathy and building community (Kumar, 2010).
Michelle’s life embodies the idea of a person who has the x-factor, she shows that leadership is something that is developed over time and learned through experiences. The x-factor is when individuals in a society spark creativity, it is a multi-discipline that borrows and synthesis existing intellectual resources to generate new ones and approach causation. (Burns, 2003). Michelle is a prime example of the ideals of the x-factor that crates a leader.
It has come to notice that the theory of transformational leadership is relatively a primitive concept that did not emerge until the recent century. Nevertheless, the characteristics attributed to transformational leadership style have existed and come under
I have recently completed a service project at the animal shelter in Bulloch County, Georgia. For four days I rode with my group to the animal shelter to play with the animals. Playing with the animals shows them compassion. We played with many dogs over the course of four days. Doing this service have made myself and my group servant leaders. What is a servant leader you ask, well a servant leader wants to help others better themselves. They want to help even if they do not look like, think like, or talk like us.
I agree with what Jeff mentioned in his post that this is a cohesive group. I am extremely interested in factors that result in the elimination of poverty, leadership, and the interdependence between human capital and growth. I read extensively and try to keep up to date with current political and economic affairs in the US and around the globe. In addition, I enjoy watching documentaries and research on certain topics online. My first exposure to leadership in an academic setting was during my MBA as I had two classes on leadership theories and I have fallen in love with the subject of leadership ever since.
I undoubtedly appreciate your desire to work to incorporate your role in leadership towards the standard of professional performance. Having the ability to lead is an important factor in being successful. I have found that during my time in leadership, I have developed many different styles of leadership. The two I relate to the most are that of a transformational leader, and servant leadership. The transformational leader is one who has the ability to inspire and motivate their followers. Transformational leadership entails a leader to be adaptive and flexible with their leadership style (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, & Konopoaske, 2012). As for the servant leader, according to Tropello & DeFazio (2014), the servant leadership style is
Transformational and servant leadership are rooted in the study of charismatic leadership. An early conceptual model of "charismatic leadership" has been closely linked with the work of Max Weber, who described the leader as a charismatic person who exercised power through followers' identification with and belief in the leader's personality. Both transformational and servant leadership are both inspirational and moral.
I absolutely agree with your point that “Between the topics of servant-leadership and transformational leadership, it appears that the commonality between the two is found in leading by example.” Too often, leaders fail to actually lead and instead keep themselves elevated above and distant from their employees. By doing this, leaders create a barrier between themselves and their employees. When I first read your post, I thought it was commendable that your leadership took cuts in pay just like everyone else. However, when I read on and discovered that they were the only ones whose pay was restored, I was very disappointed to see that they showed their true colors: definitely not servant leadership!
Leadership is often viewed as a quality which requires the ability to lead through words, this however is not always the case. Servant leadership is a concept I have had lots of exposure to. Having grown up in the church, I was taught Jesus is a leader, which he undoubtedly is, yet Jesus rarely lead with his words but, with his actions. Servant leadership is the idea that by serving others, one makes the conscious choice to lead through their actions. For the past three summers, I have volunteered as a staff at Wilderness Trail, helping lead groups of youth on backpacking trips. Often times a group of young middle schoolers will not be paying attention to a devotion at campfire, in spite of that, the next morning when you help them take down
This paper aims to address an organizational issue and illustrate how the situation could be resolved by using three different models of leadership. The work environment will be described, the significance of the issue will be presented and the resolution will be analyzed using the models of servant leadership, transformational leadership and transactional leadership.
The Leadership Theory presented in this document is Servant Leadership. The article summarised herein is “A systematic literature review of servant leadership theory in organizational contexts” published in the Journal of Business Ethics, pages 113(3), 377-393, written by D.L. Parris and J.W. Peachey in 2012 but published in the 2013 Journal.
As written in the lines above, employee engagement has a significant impact on an employee and their engagement. Although there has been many articles and research written about leadership and servant leadership, in this study, it will provide and overview, key traits and influences that servant leaders use in collaboration to address significant problems with strategy and other individuals. Therefore, how do managers and leaders facilitate the engagement of their employees? Leaders do this through their leadership style. In 1970, Robert K. Greenleaf identified servant-leadership, which was different from the traditional views of leadership. According to Greenleaf, “The servant-leader is a servant first. Servant