
Annotated Bibliography On Immigration Reform

Satisfactory Essays

Immigration Reform and the American Economy: An Annotated Bibliography

Brannon, Ike, and Logan Albright. Immigration’s Impact on the Texas Economy. Austin: Texas Public Policy Foundation, Mar. 2016. PDF.

Brannon and Albright of the Texas Public Policy Foundation list the economic impacts of illegal immigrants. Brannon and Albright also provide figures backed by research on what type of illegal immigrants does the state of Texas attract and what social services do the illegal immigrants of Texas use and the costs to the State.

In this article Albright and Brannon include sourced information on the economic impact of illegal immigrants in Texas that I can use to complement my casual argument essay.

de la Garza, Rodolfo O. "NEITHER WALLS …show more content…

de la Garza specializes in immigration and Latino issues and has authored numerous academic papers on the theme of immigrants and immigration policies.

This article will be useful in my casual argument because Professor de la Garza includes an immigration reform system that I can expand on in formulating my casual argument.

Ewing, Walter. "The Many Facets Of Effective Immigration Reform." Society 47.2 (2010): 110. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 23 July 2016.

Edwin notes that the failure and monetary costs of the ‘enforcement-only’ approach that the government is currently practicing. Edwin acknowledges the need for effective immigration reform; he proposes an immigration policy that rises and fall with U.S labor demand coupled with strict enforcement of wage and labor laws. Edwin also discusses the value of illegal immigrants on the American economy.

In this article Walter Edwin details how much is spent on the current immigration policy of the United States. I could include those figures in my casual argument essay to further solidify the strength of my overall argument.

Hinojosa-Ojeda, Raúl. "The Economic Benefits Of Comprehensive Immigration Reform." CATO Journal 32.1 (2012): 175-199. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 July

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