
Annotated Bibliography Of Employee Union

Decent Essays

Annotated bibliography of employee union Barnes, A., MacMillan, C., & Markey, R. (2014): Maintaining union voice in the Australian university sector: Union strategy and non-union forms of employee participation: Journal of Industrial Relations: 10.1177/0022185613489414 This article examines union response to employee’s needs and concerns. The writers finding suggests that in the short term, unions adopted a strategy of compliance and requirement through the development of hybrid forms of voice, such as staff consultative committees. They further understand that non-union forms of employee representation may not allow employees to express dissatisfaction with the workplace because of employer retaliation. Unions, the research explain would seek to dominate these committees by ensuring that their members were elected as staff representatives, thereby safeguarding the dominance of union voice. The non-union employee representation that was created, however, was constrained as an expression of employee voice. Despite this constrain unions have actively involved in establishing representative structures that give exposure to a broader set of organizational issues than those normally covered by collective bargaining. However, where unions have been weak or entirely absent from the workplace, employers were motivated to instigate alternative voice mechanisms through non-union representative bodies in order to channel dissatisfaction, facilitate communication

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