
Annotated Bibliography: General Practitioners And Family Physicians

Satisfactory Essays

Annotated Bibliography
"General Practitioners and Family Physicians." Government of Canada, Employment and Social Development Canada. Government of Canada. Web. 27 Jan. 2016. . The "general practitioners and family physicians" article is a useful article that I can use in my essay. The web article gives a job descriptions (what a does) and requirements needed to become a physician. The article specifics bachelors, graduation from an approved medical school, and two to three years of residency are needed in order to become a fully licensed physician. This source explained the steps I needed to take to acquire my dream job. This source was good place to start as it provided me with some background information that I can use in my essay.
Jeon, Sung-Hee, and Jeremiah Hurley. "The Relationship Between Physician Hours of Work, Service Volume and Service Intensity." Canadian Public Policy 33.Supplement 1 (2007). Web. 27 Jan. 2016. …show more content…

Canada is in a dire need of physician in the rural areas. People in the rural area are least likely to see a doctor because they have to drive long distance for simple check-ups. Recently, the demand for physicians in urban areas has also increase due to immigrant's settlement. Immigrates tend to settle in urban area thus the number of patients per doctor has dramatically increased. This was important information for the essay s it proves that the job I want is in demand. Moreover, the article showed me that there is a huge opportunity of employment in the northern and rural areas where there is a massive demand for general

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