
Annotated Bibliography: Fighting Game Community

Satisfactory Essays

Fighting Game Community
Annotated Bibliography
Elvis Mack
Georgia Southern University

Yong, M.K, & Young,T.(2013) Media technologies and learning in the starcraft esport community. CSCW '13 Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work. 387-398
Youg is a social computer scientist and Young has a master in information and computer science. Young is also a adminstor of starleague, an online gaming league that promotes and facilitates competition between hundreds of colleges and universities internationally. He is a fan of starcraft and has the knowledge to talk about the game, so them working together make them qualified to talk about this aspect of competitive games.
In the article they talk about how starcraft …show more content…

As years and years keeping going the fighting game community feels like they are losing that grassroots feel the more companies come into play at events, but as players are starting to get more and more sponsorships and companies are showing more and more support to the game and it’s players people are warming up to term and is even using it today. This passage gives a good insight about the community’s mindset and their true intentions with the years to come. While the passage and old and some passage are a bit outdated the concept and purpose is still clear and appropriate for my subculture.

Salinas, E. J. (2013). Competitive video gaming, the sport of the future. Retrieved February 22, 2016, from

Harper, T. (2014). The culture of digital fighting games: Performance and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.

O'Leary, A. (2012, August 1). In Virtual Play, Sex Harassment Is All Too Real. Retrieved February 23, 2016, from
Amy O’Leary has a background about humanities and radio study. She has written for several different publications most noteworthy being the New York Times and is currently an editor for

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