
Annotated Bibliography: Bathroom Privileges

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Dianthus Bernard
English 0099
Ms.Patience Sheapard
Bathroom Privileges Recently, there have been a lot of questions regarding who can use which public restroom in regards to transgendered individuals. This became a controversial issue when North Carolina passed a law that required transgendered individuals to use the restroom that corresponded with the sex stated on their birth certificate. The U.S. Department of Education then declared this a violation of American discrimination rules and created a directive allowing transgendered individuals to use the restroom that they identify with. Transgendered individuals are human begins. They cannot help that they feel that they are in the wrong body, but that should not make people judge or discriminate …show more content…

“Access to Restroom Based on Gender Identity Stirs Debate in Olympia." Spokesman-Review, The (Spokane, WA) 27 Jan. 2016: Newspaper Source.
Robinson, Karen. "Lancaster School Board Tables Issue of Transgender Students and
Restrooms." Buffalo News, The (NY) 08 Dec. 2015: Newspaper Source.
Steinmetz, Katy. “Why Transgender People Are Being Murdered at a Historic Rate.”, 17 Aug. 2015.
Tinsley, Anna M. "Texas Leader Tells Schools to Ignore Obama Transgender Restroom
Guidance." Dallas Morning News, The (TX) 13 May 2016: Newspaper Source.
Townley, Vince. "Pine-Richland Rejects Temporary Measures Regarding Use of Restrooms by
Transgender Students." Pittsburgh Tribune Review (PA) 12 July 2016: Newspaper Source.
Walsh, Paul. "Minnesota State Fair Adds More” 'Family/Unisex Bathrooms' for Transgender,
Other Needs." Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN) 21 July 2016: Newspaper Source.
White, Kate. "Morrisey Disappointed by Court Ruling on Va.

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