
Annihilation Of Native Americans Summary

Decent Essays

At the nineteenth century as new immigrants from around the world came to North America to settle in these new states called the United States as they filled in much of this land in the new territory the old natives of this area were forced to travel westward and try their best to keep their land. Most people claimed that the Indians were “vanishing” as they could not adapt to these new Europeans lifestyles while others argued that it would not happen. In the end, we see that the Indians survived through a huge act of extinction toward their society, while the reader looks back at evidence of Indian life, it is obviously seen that the predictors of the Indians demise were smart as they used evidence to support their claims while others on the opposing side did have good views. However the evidence that has been prompted through time proved that the prediction of annihilation of Native Americans was an obvious choice during this time and was not a shortsighted bias. …show more content…

For example in source one we see the author of the propaganda “Cody” depict the Indians as savages as they attack the whites. The author tries to show a dominance of whites to Indians as the whites are taking out the Indians homes showing an obvious strength that the whites had over the Indians. As the settlers worked to take land from the natives, they had to conquer tribe after tribe slowly crushing the population of natives. We also see the same argument in Source two as “Morgan” gives examples of the levels the Indians are from “Lower Status of Savagery” to “Civilization” and as he continues to explain where these tribes are considered we do not hear him speak of Indians who are considered anything near civilized as they have not come to adapt and learn new ideas to be considered a high statues in the growth of their

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