
Annie Dookhan's Role In Forensic Investigations

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Forensic scientists are a staple in the court system. Juries rely on them to examine evidence, and trust their scientific input. With such a responsibility, forensic scientists are expected to be honest individuals who are exceptionally knowledgeable in their field. Yet, that is not the case as there have been multiple lab scandals in the country. When a lab’s wrongdoings are exposed, it creates a flurry of problems. This was seen with Annie Dookhan, a drug analyst who lied repeatedly, and caused obstacles for her lab and the state. Annie Dookhan was a chemist working in at William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute, a lab located in Boston, Massachusetts. Since the beginning of her employment in 2003, Dookhan had been involved in the drug …show more content…

While this showcases the pressure labs are under, it does not excuse what she did. By taking shortcuts and lying, Dookhan displayed her skewed ethics. Her cheating by dry-labbing showed what lengths she was willing to go to make her job easier. This selfishness contributed to the public losing faith in laboratories. Many labs are faced with large amounts of cases, yet when faced with ethical dilemmas, they are expected to handle them responsibly. For example, Dookhan should have voiced her concerns over a heavy workload. Resorting to dry-labbing only complicated things further, as she had to serve a prison sentence, and her lab was closed. Moreover, she should have not lied on her resume about having a master’s degree in chemistry. This was not even a requirement for her job, and only exhibited her willingness to achieve what she wanted by cutting …show more content…

Talking about any lasting impressions from a certain case can help alleviate any feelings. It is especially beneficial to talk to a colleague, as they might be able to understand what another coworker is feeling. With Annie Dookhan, she may have been feeling stressed about her workload. If she would have talked to somebody at work, she may not have felt the need to tamper with evidence. The aftermath left Dookhan without any credibility, and potentially tarnished her coworkers’ reputations as well. Annie Dookhan’s family would have also been affected greatly. Feelings of embarrassment stemming from her wrongdoings and sadness from her prison sentence would be plausible for her loved

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