
Anne Rowlandson Text Analysis

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Rowlandson’s text is bracketed by two spiritually authoritative males’ texts – a preface by Increase Mather and a sermon by Rowlandson’s husband. Mather’s preface relays to readers that his intention in helping Rowlandson publish this text he hopes to illustrate the “causeless enmity of these Barbarians against the English, and the malicious and revengeful spirit of these Heathen” (Rowlandson 7) and to show his Puritan followers a concrete illustration of God’s providence and to remind them to be steadfast in their belief in God’s will and power. It is likely that because she was a Puritan English woman her voice was limited so that it would be deemed acceptable by the male authorities looming over her. In those men’s eyes, Rowlandson needed …show more content…

In her time and amongst her people, it was common to refer to the Native Americans as heathens and monsters as Rowlandson does throughout the text. Native Americans were seen not as people, rather they are meant to be instruments used by God to tempt the Puritans and test their faithfulness to God. However, as is relayed in her text, Rowlandson is treated quite well by her captors as she is given freedom to roam around, given money, allowed to trade for food, and as she states “not one of them ever offered [her] the least abuse of unchastity… in word or action”(Rowlandson 46). Furthermore, there are multiple instances in the text where Rowlandson goes against the grain and includes several moments in which the Natives show her compassion and kindness. These inclusions of Native kindness and culture are significant as it shows her Native American captors as people, not as objects used by God to teach the Puritans. In the text, Rowlandson weeps in fear of her safety, but against the stereotype Rowland states, “one of them asked me, why I wept, I could hardly tell what to say; yet I answered, they would kill me: No, said he, none will hurt you. Then came one of them, and gave me two spoonfuls of Meal (to comfort me) and another gave me a half a pint of Pease, which

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