
Anne Elliot : The Theme Of Masculinity And Feminidice

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Anne Elliot is a kind and principled young woman. In her younger years she is somewhat passive and easily persuaded by those around her. Anne grows up however, and in developing her character she transforms into a confident and straight thinking young woman, no longer easily swayed by persuasion of her friends and family nor political correctness of social relationships. She begins as a passive character but grows into an active character as she learns who she is and becomes more sure of herself and her decision making abilities, as is I believe common in growing up. The reader can see a transition through the book wherein Anne is no longer so easily persuaded by those around her. Anne finds herself, and follows her heart; due to being in proximity to Wentworth she realized the strength of the love she still has for him, reveling in the realization (via his letter and subsequent conversation) that the long held love is mutual. The theme of masculinity and femininity is in this novel prevalent in the way Austen shows us traditional gender roles of the time. Austen does so using female characters as the main characters and only uses men as they relate to women and in domestic situations; in doing so she subtly shows her frustration with the limited freedom women of the age had (Morrison, 337). Austen seems to note the injustice of the inequality, and the inherent limitations on women, Mrs. Smith for example could not settle her husband’s estate without help from a man.

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