
Ann Vail's

Decent Essays

2. Ann Avery is the general manager of Taylor’s, a steakhouse located in a southwestern U.S. city that has been open for about a year. The restaurant has been a success so far, but Avery doesn’t yet have a grasp of exactly who her customers are. The lunch customers seem to be quite different from those who visit Taylor’s for the evening meal.
She needs your help in designing a project to develop a better understanding of her customers.
a. What degree of structure would be appropriate? Justify your choice.
Highly structured data is standardized questions that are simple to administer with no follow-up questions needed. The structured data is easy to asses, questions are closed ended with answers easily identified and reliable. However, highly structured data mining …show more content…

In this case, It would be beneficial for Ann to use an undisguised questionnaire so that customers can answer them knowing that the answers are to increase customer satisfaction.

c. What method of administration would be appropriate? Justify your choice.
With the many methods of administration such as Personal interviews, telephone interviews, mail surveys, and online surveys, an ideal method of administration would be face to face where the respondent completes the questionnaire in the restaurant shortly after the dining experience. Another cost-effective method that could be useful is the online survey option. Respondents can take the online survey at their leisure, however, the challenge is having the customer complete the survey after they leave the restaurant.

d. Suppose that the key issue is to determine the overall awareness level for Taylor’s among residents of the city. Would this change your answers to any of the above questions?
Yes, I would recommend a more structured questionnaire with standard questions to gain awareness of the demographics of the customers but clearly, leave it as

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