
Ankle Sprains Essay

Decent Essays

In general, an ankle sprain is the stretching or tearing of ligaments in the ankle. If a patient it diagnosed with a medial ankle sprain that means they have either overstretched or torn the ligaments that are associated with the deltoid ligament. The deltoid ligaments, which are the primary ligaments involved with this injury, include Posterior tibiotalar, tibiocalcaneal, anterior tibiotalar, and tibionavicular. All of these originate from the medial malleolus. There are three different attachment points consisting of the navicular, talus, and calcaneus. Both the PTL and the tibionavicular ligament attach to the navicular bone, the ATL attaches to the talus, and the tibiocalcaneal ligament attaches to the calcaneus. Over time studies have found that there is a superficial layer made up of the tibiocalcaneal and the tibionavicular and a deep layer containing the ATL and PTL. The superficial layer is responsible for stabilizing and preventing any posterior movement of the talus while the deep layer stabilizes the navicular calcaneal …show more content…

This is injury is not as common when compared to a lateral ankle sprain. An individual will experience this injury if they pronate, externally rotate, or abduct their ankle beyond the normal limits. This can happen in competitive sports or just walking in everyday life. Pain, swelling, and restricted range of motion will be present in any type of ankle injury. Bruising and trouble walking will be evident in more severe cases. Also the individual might hear a pop when the injury first happened. In any case where a someone suspects a sprain a healthcare professional should be involved for further investigation to make sure it gets treated properly and no further damage is caused. “a severely injured ankle may not heal well and could lose its range of motion and stability3”. It’s important to take care or the injury as soon as possible and get back to normal

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