
Aniyah Child Development

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Human growth and development is the scientific study of processes, change and stability throughout a human’s life span. There are theories that can help understand how people grow and change throughout their lives, from the vital early stages to old age. These theories can be applied to a variety of areas within human life including social, cultural, emotional and psychological, also, moral, and intellectual viewpoints. In this assignment I will focus on the physical, cognitive and social developments of a young girl named Aniyah.
Aniyah is beautiful African American female. She is eight years old. She is a full-time 3rd grader at local Pinellas County School. She has one brother and no sisters. Her mom and Dad have never married but have been dated for more than eight …show more content…

The Development of Children Ages 6 to 14. The Future of Children was not always recognized by scholars. The grand theorists Freud and Piaget saw middle childhood as a plateau in development, a time when children consolidated the gains they made during the rapid growth of the preschool period, as they prepared for the dramatic changes of adolescence. Middle childhood is also marked by several types of advances in learning and understanding. During this period, in school and wherever they spend time, children acquire the fundamental skills considered to be important by their culture, such as reading and math. Some Skills of self-awareness also develop dramatically in middle childhood. Theoretically Aniyah cognitive stage of development is that she has entered the stage of concrete operations because she can reason to solve actual problems; according to Papalia & Feldman (2012). In fact according to Piaget theory on moral reasoning, Aniyah demonstrates the second stage on of moral reasoning. When I told her the story of the two little boys who spilled paint (the same story Piaget uses to draw out a child’s moral reasoning) she believes that they both should be punished because they

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