
Animal Vegetable Miserable Essay

Decent Essays

Gary steiner is a professor of philosophy at Bucknell university who studies our relationship with nonhuman animals. He searches for moral high ground to claim in the swamp of animal treatment ethics by claiming that killing an animal is equivalent to killing a human. Accordingly, he has forsworn the use of all animal products in his life. He puts forth several reason for his belief and why nearly everyone continues to slaughter animals. Over the course of his article, “Animal, Vegetable, Miserable”, he seems to struggle to understand how anyone could continue to use animal products. Steiner’s bid to take the moral high ground sparked some controversy, however. “The Ethical Choices in What We Eat: Responses to Gary Steiner” is a collection …show more content…

This might be in part because veganism is far more radical than Steiner may realize. The human race have been omnivores since we developed as a distinct species. Steiner is fighting a way of life ingrained into our very evolution yet he seems surprised and disgusted that so few people jump aboard. As Lawrence Lerner points out in the fourth letter “the human digestive system has evolved to accommodate an omnivorous diet, not a purely vegetable one. Indeed, many paleoanthropologists maintain that the evolution of the large, energy hungry human brains depended on a transition of our ancestors’ diets to include meat.”(850) Mr. Steiner calls the slaughter and consumption of animals wrong, but the human consumption of animals is more natural than a vegan diet. He asks us to reject a way of life as essential to our development as a species as fire and tools. In this context, he is the one whose way of life is unnatural. Is it any wonder that people naturally shy away from his attempts at conversion? Interestingly, Steiner’s article seems to contradict itself. The way he described ethical vegans “Strict ethical vegans, of which I am one, are customarily excoriated for equating our society's treatment of animals with mass murder”(845) makes it seem as though he became an ethical vegan to protect animals and now he is trying to convince as many people as possible to do the same. His article, however,

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