
Animal Use Of Animal Testing (Essay)

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Animal Experimentation Growing up I learned that everything was created with love. Humans, plants, animals, all living things were put in this world for a purpose. One of these things that breathes life into this world are animals. Growing up I learned about animals in class, and grew an interest for them. Their shape, their features, the different actions and skills that each animal has. Animals are all unique in their own way. But, we tend to use these animals. If they are not pets, or considered as pets then humans take the advantage of using them. They are used for things such as clothes, shoes, purses, and many other different things that we use every day. Animal testing is one of the worst things that humans partake in against these …show more content…

The AWA (Animal Welfare Act). The animal welfare act regulates the care and use of animals in labs. It is the ONLY law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in exhibition, research, transport, etc. The AWA was signed law in 1966. Labs that use mice, rats, reptiles, amphibians, and birds are exempted from the law. Animals that are protected under this law can still be tortured and hurt. People still go against the system. From 1966-2008 changes have been made to support. There are certain animals that are being bred for commercial sale. What is the use of having a law that protects the animals in our world but it really does not do anything. Humans as a whole should act more accordingly to what the law says. We need to make the …show more content…

Humans share the same characteristics as animals. We look to some animals for companionship and unconditional love. No matter if it is from dogs, cats, guinea pigs, we all look for the same things when it comes to having pets. Animals today help us as well. We have seeing eye dogs that help some humans get around. Some people have even looked to pets to help teach responsibility to their kids. Animals that humans grow to love and get close to helps to decrease depression, relieve stress, and help with anxiety. We take these pets in as family. We even adopt pets and they become part of our families. We love and cherish these pets. Imagine your loveable pet being tested and abused. How would you feel if it was your pet being used and hurt? Some say they could not even imagine. So if you could not imagine your pet being hurt, then how could you imagine other animals being hurt? Just because you did not form a bond with these other animals does not it make it okay for them to go through the agony without someone fighting for their rights. Animal testing is wrong because it is unfair and inhumane. I strongly believe animal experimentation should be banned. Banned for

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