
Animal Testing Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

The last time I've persuaded someone to see a situation the way I did was in my speech class. I was providing the class with information against Animal Testing. My view of animal testing is that it's wrong and inhumane, so therefore I was trying to get the class to agree that the process of Animal Testing was terrible. First, I informed the class by stating, “Thousands of people everyday use products that are tested on animals, without even knowing.” This actually was a shock to certain people who haven't really looked into what animal testing really is, but one of my classmates had something different they wanted to express. He said, “How else would we be able to test these products, assuring their safe for humans to use? No one really cares about the little mice or rats being tested anyways.” Maybe this is the easiest way to test products, however there are a couple other options that are cruelty free. I let my classmate know that I will be answering his question further on in my speech. …show more content…

People have these animals as pets, imagine your dog, guinea pig, or rabbit being tortured by these terrible processes?” My classmates were in such shock and utter belief that all these other animals were included in animal testing. Some classmates just sat there and nodded their heads at this point. I still had the confidence that by the end of my speech, I'll have everyone against animal testing as

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