
Animal Testing Arguments

Good Essays

Yihan Chen
ENG 109 GA
Dr. Karim Hesham Shaker Ibrahim
November 05, 2017
Public Argument Essay Many people may think about animal testing after being asked about drug testing. “Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, animal research and in vivo testing, is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study,” (Wikipedia). It is easy to think of it because scientists doing research on animal subjects to satisfy human’s wish which is finding a good way for human’s health especially cure for diseases. Here exists an arguable issue which is whether should animal testing be banned. However, I will say that animal testing should not be banned for ethical, medical reasons and animal themselves. At first, for some ethical reasons, we cannot do experiments directly on human body, animal testing is a good way to substitute it. One of things that we cannot forget is Holocaust which is inhumane and brutal. During World War Two, many German scientists did experiments on human subjects such as Bone, muscle, and joint transplantation, Infectious Diseases and Traumatic injuries (PBS). In the experiment of transplantation, victims’ limbs were amputated by the experimenters and transplanted them to other people (PBS). Numbers of people became disability consequently, which showed human experiments were so dreadful. Overall, in the event of human subject experiments, scientists and doctors did

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