
Animal Selection Vs Artificial Selection

Satisfactory Essays

1) Natural selection is when the species survival and their reproduction determine the genetic traits compared to artificial selection that is when humans can choose their traits that will show up in their future generations. Although humans intensify and inhibit organism’s genetic traits through select ancestry, nature concerns itself with characteristics that concede improvements to a species' ability to mate and survive. when Humans select organisms to breed for selective traits, some times they select members to improve their traits. But sometimes this inbreeding can cause an expression of hazardous genes.
2) When we select individuals of stabilization with some intermediate values of some trait, it often has higher aptitudes compared …show more content…

The second reason is the expansion of resource allocation to offspring quantity versus quality that can account for observations socioecological and individual levels of variation in fertility.
5) Asexual reproduction produces children who inherit all the DNA of one of their parents, making them genetically identical compared to those of sexual reproduction that in that case their children, show some familiar resemblances, but in spite of that, the brothers vary because they inherit different combinations of genes from both parents.
6) Monogamy is when and individual is in a relationship and he or she only has one partner in their entire life. But also, this could be related to animals that only have one mate in their entire life, which could be called as a pair bonding and an example of this could be penguins. In addition, polygyny includes the polygyny, polygynandry and also polyandry and it’s when a person (generally man) has more than one partner. On the other hand, polyandry is when a woman has more than one husband and promiscuity is when someone has sex with different people of by the choice of of sexual

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