
Animal Poaching Research Paper

Decent Essays

Many things are harmful to the human and animal population. Some more than others. Poaching is extremely dangerous to many animals. But also to humans! Penalties for poaching should be severe because poaching is killing animals and it is the cause of many deadly diseases.

Poaching destroys the animal food chain. According to, Poaching - The Encyclopedia, “The lack of certain animals will cause other animals to die out.” Poaching kills many animals and the more you lower the population of that certain animal will make other animals die because they don't have enough food to eat. Poaching is unnecessary to the environment. You can find another way to make something without getting these pacific parts from animals. Poaching - The Encyclopedia writes, “Poaching is unnecessary to the environment because these animal parts are being used for human needs and not the needs of the environment.” Poaching isn't helping the environment. It's only destroying it and the animals around it. If the animals and the environment can't gain anything out of …show more content…

For example, writes, “It's believed that the Ebola virus was transmitted to who fed on monkeys. Since December of 2013, about two thousand people in Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria have become infected with Ebola. Half of them died from the virus.” Poaching is an extremely serious issue.It can quickly kill many people and animals in a matter of minutes. For example,“In Uganda, the outbreak of Anthrax in early 2000 was associated with people eating or transporting infected animals from Queen Elizabeth National Park. Anthrax is a serious infectious disease that chiefly affects animals but can also occur in people.” States Anthrax can easily end most of the animal population and some of the human population. Poaching is extremely serious but it is not taken as that way. Poaching can be the cause of many deaths and extinction. But it can be

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