
Animal Farm Power Corrupts Absolute Power

Decent Essays

Corrupted by Power “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely”. This quote relates to George Orwell’s allegorical novella, Animal Farm, because throughout the novella, Napoleon, one of the pigs, uses his advantage of intelligence as a way to manipulate the other animals into believing everything he told them. Although Napoleon changes quite a number of things on the farm, the changes are incremental and small so that he makes it appear that there was no changes at all. As Napoleon's power increases, he is not yet satisfied with the amount of power he is able to obtain yet. Napoleon sets high standards for himself to have complete power over every single animal, though he becomes corrupt because he gains absolute power over everyone on the farm. …show more content…

Napoleon uses his intelligence as a way to manipulate the other animals who don’t have the same knowledge like him into believing that they are all equal. He incrementally, changes the way the farm works, so that he gets the better of it, while the rest are working hard and not get the fair share they deserve. Napoleon as well changes the commandments, which as a result shows him as someone who is corrupted by power. By the end of the novella, only one commandment had left, but had an addition that Napoleon added. It reads, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” By this, Napoleon is implying that as the result of the rebellion, the animals weren’t really equal, but he made it appear as if they were by the use of

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