
Animal Farm Absolute Power Corrupts

Decent Essays

In George Orwell’s classic work “Animal Farm” the animals on the farm rise up and overthrow their owner only to have a more vicious dictator set in place by the pigs. Though at the start of the rebellion things were better than they were before with human masters, slowly over a span of many years the pigs with their leader Napoleon put in place an even harsher dictatorship than before. “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Lord Acton said this in a letter in the year 1887. “Animal Farm follows this to an absolute T.

Before the start of the rebellion man had complete and absolute power over all the animals. The previous owner of the farm, Jones, ran the farm with absolutely no regard to how the animals were treated. All of the animals were often unfed and lacking proper nutrition. Many of the animals like pigs, cattle and horses were slaughtered to make …show more content…

After a few months and the death of Major the animals finally decided they had had enough. They rose up and overthrew Jones and his men. After overthrowing Jones with nobody to lead it created a power vacuum for people to lead. Along with the other pigs the head of the animal farm came down to three people; Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer.

Napoleon and Snowball fight for power for awhile leading a more democratic type government amongst the animals while squealer was used as more of a herald to communicate and explain things to the rest of the animals. After a while however Napoleon decided he would eliminate the competition. He uses a set of dogs he had trained since birth to drive Snowball out from the animal farm. The rest of the pigs then spread false rumors of how Snowball had dealings with humans and that he was plotting the downfall of the farm. He then assumes complete and absolute power for

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