
Animal Experimentation And The Human Understanding Of Medicine

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Any knowledge obtained, or currently being obtained, through the use of animals is beneficial to furthering the human understanding of medicine (Greek et al. 15). Throughout history, animal experimentation has been a key component in understanding the fundamentals of human life. Kay Peggs argues that “virtually every major medical advance of the last century is due, in part, to research with animals” (624). Before recent times, scientists could easily dissect animals strictly for exploration and curiosity (Greek et al. 15). The knowledge gained from animal experimentation has helped scientists get desired results without causing direct harm to humans. Without animal experimentation, medicine and education would be in the dark ages.
In today’s times, using animals for medical research and education is a highly controversial issue. Some believe that it is not justifiable to use animals to serve as human models. They argue that humans are the best models for human disease and treatment efficacy, not animals. However, humans cannot be test subjects for the benefit of society without volunteering to participate and fully understanding the question being researched. This is for all human beings, including prisoners, the mentally impaired, and unwanted children (Rollin 5). Also, according to the USDA, the first requirement for a new medical drug or vaccine to be considered for a clinical trial is that nonhuman animal subjects were used during the development and testing

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