
Animal Dissection Lab Report

Decent Essays

When performing the experiment observations were made in many things that could be compared between the animals such as Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, features, respiratory and reproductive systems. while the hypothesis stated that if animals look alike externally then they are in the same phylum. The dissection of the Annelida (earthworm), Mollusca (clam), Echinodermata (starfish), Pisces/Osteichthyes (perch) and Amphibia (bull frog) proved different. The Annelida is bilaterally symmetrical, has a coelom it is fluid-filled cavity between outer body wall and gut. Its body covered by an external cuticle, it does not shed or molt. The nervous system consist of the brain inside the head. The sense organs are the …show more content…

It has a through gut with mouth and anus. Its monomeric and highly variable in form are dorsal or lateral shells. The nervous system has circum-esophageal ring, ganglia, paired nerve chords. The circulatory system like open system with heart & aorta. It also has other organs like the ctenidia gills it an gaseous exchange organ, a pair of Kidneys and sexual & Gonochoristic organs for reproduction. Then we dissected the Echinodermata Possess 5-ray symmetry its more than two cell layers, tissues, and organs. It has true Coelm body cavity a through gut & an anus a highly variable body shape, no head. Its nervous system is circum-esophageal ring, its circulatory system is poorly defined it is an open-system, it has a water vascular system but no excretory organs and a sub epidermal system of calcareous plates. The Pisces/Osteichthyes has only skeleton vertebrae numerous and a homocercal tail. It has a mucous glands and embedded dermal scales, fins median & paired with rays of bone, also Mouth with teeth & jaws present. The Respiratory System are the Gill it is supported by bony gill arches a Swim bladder is present it helps the fish float. The circulatory System has two chambered heart, arterial, venous system, and four pairs of aortic arches. The nervous system consist of a brain with small olfactory lobes & cerebrum. The reproductive system has external oviparous and

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