Animal Cruelty Needs To Be Prevented
Animal cruelty is a the crime of inflicting physical pain on an animal beyond necessity for normal discipline. It can include neglect and that the animal has suffered, died or been put in imminent danger of death. Not only is the crime affecting the animal, but in most cases, the cruelty of the animal affects the child/children that are around as well. The issue is animal cruelty, and it is shown is a variety of forms such as neglect, slaughter, hoarding, and being physically abused when being held in a home of a person to lash out in anger and with a past criminal record. The animals do not have a voice to stand up for themselves and speak their mind as to how much they are affected. Animal hoarding has
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In 2012,
“Red Star Rescue services deployed to Tennessee to intervene in a mass cruelty case involving 168 animals in terrible condition... medical care, sheltering, and adoption services were provided to the dehydrated, hungry, and frightened animals.”
The American Humane Association’s Animal Welfare Research Institute released a survey which demonstrated how animals have a great impact on children. The problem with animal abuse is a problem for children in homes where the basic needs of animals are not being cared for. The connection between an animal and a pet is linked, reflecting the way a human’s behavior towards the animal is with the child also. If the problem is not solved, the one who will suffer the consequence is the innocent animal(s)
Najera 3 along with children in homes where the parent has been arrested for violence.
According to the Human Society of the United States, “ in many cases, children found living among the squalor of neglected pets are taken into foster homes.” The child will suffer from the abuse towards the animals because if the animals are not being well cared, it will result with the parent himself not being able to maintain the basic needs
Increased awareness regarding animal cruelty would benefit society, pet owners, and animals themselves. When a problem is identified, it becomes easier to work out solutions. Animal cruelty is an issue on a global scale; animal torture and neglect does not only exist in the United States. Animal cruelty is the “crime of inflicting physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, usually a tame one, beyond necessity for normal discipline. It can include neglect that is so monstrous (withholding food and water) that the animal has suffered, died or been put in an imminent
Animals are beaten and abused on a daily basis due to barbaric individuals. Whether it be from harmful intentions or pure negligence most cases go unreported. “Deliberate cruelty may involve beating, shooting, stabbing animals, or setting them on fire. Neglect is not giving a necessary food, water, shelter, or vet care” (Human Society). The lack of attention and care for these animals can often lead to severe, and sometimes irrevocable damage. The Animal Legal Defense Fund, ALDF for short, website tells of one story where neighbors of a farm complained to the local humane society, “that the Colliers were neglecting many animals on their farm, including dogs and horses. When they went to their property to investigate, they discovered dogs and horses in several states of neglect and starvation and seized them out of concern for their immediate health”(ALDF). Sadly, however, it can become much worse for animals. Owners will sometimes purposefully abuse their animals. Unfortunately, occurrences like these are hardly uncommon. One such example, from the RSPCA of England, the Royal
Animal cruelty looks like antibiotics being injected and fed to increase growth rate and prevent death in unsanitary conditions. Animals are forced to grow 3 times faster than what is natural.
Relevance: animals are people too and no one wants an animal to suffer for the wrong reasons
Animal abuse can be a precursor to future crimes. Experts have conducted hundreds of studies about the connection between human on animal crimes and human on human crimes. They have determined that people who abuse or neglect their animals tend to move to other crimes as the abuser ages. If people watched these animal abusers they could see the signs that they might commit future crimes. There is a link between murderers and animal abusers. These killers tend to start early; their first victims tend to be the stray cat in their neighborhood or even their neighbor’s dog. Murderers tend to stick to animal victims until they do not get enough pleasure from them and move to larger targets. Child abusers and those who abuse their significant other tend to be the people that hit and kick their pets for no particular reason other than for their own
First, animal abuse can lead to health problems for the animals. To begin with, malnourishment is a serious issue among abused animals. According to, a statistic brain article, Seth stated, “32% of animal cruelty cases involve neglect/malnourishment.” College students tend not to care for their pets for
problem in the world that has led to the suffering of animals for thousands of
What is animal abuse? For starters, animal abuse is when a person inflicts suffering or harm on any animal. Most people, all over the world own an animal; but there are still far more animals left out on the street. Homeless animals are either left out on the streets or are “thrown” into shelters. This became a problem because not all animals are domesticated. Animal shelters began as pounds. “When the system began to be used to impound wandering dogs and cats, these animals were often killed because little monetary value was placed on them” (Lila Miller, Animal sheltering in the United States: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, 1) . This issue persists because shelter workers and others truly believe that an animal life has no value, but that is not true; animals are living beings just like humans with brains, hearts, and bones. A reported case was that “authorities had seized 23 puppies, 11 cats, and four adult dogs from a self-processed animal “rescue” after they were found in the “rescuer’s” filthy home.” (‘No-Kill’ Label Slowly Killing Animals, 3). This means that an unauthorized person hoarded many animals and forced the animals into an unsafe “shelter”. The shelter being a dirty home.
“It is quite clear that in abusing animals we abuse our relationship with animals, and that we abuse ourselves. We become less human to the extent that we treat any living beings as things” (R.D. Laing). There is a very evident connection between animal cruelty and cruelty to other humans. In studies conducted between 1983 and 2004, 60% of children who met the criteria for child abuse/neglect had families that were cruel to their pets. In 88%
Children who live in homes where animal abuse is present are often abused themselves and unfortunately, sometimes carry on with the cycle of abuse later on in life. “More than 80 percent of family members being treated for child abuse also had abused animals. In one-third of the cases, a child victim continued the cycle of violence by abusing a pet (“The animal abuse home violence connection”, 2013).”
All around the world, people are abusing animals. Animal cruelty is a big deal because some people do not look at animals as being important; some people do not see a problem with hurting them. Animal cruelty can be define as being a malicious treatment that can cause undue pain or being mistreated. Seeing an animal get brutalize by some humans seems to be cruel. Getting kicked in the ribs, left for starvation and even used for entertainment seems to be heartless. Why abuse animals when they have not done anything to harm a human. If one must see what they are really doing to these animals, then animal cruelty would not be a big deal.
Animal cruelty can be either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal. Either way, or whether the animal is a pet, a farm animal or wildlife, the victim can suffer terribly. Animal cruelty is an ethical and moral dilemma as there is no clear right or wrong answers that can solve all of the issues. There are numerous opinions on how this issue can be solved, these include;
Each year, the most extreme cases of animal abuse receive media attention. Yet, the animal cruelty problem is more widespread than is reported in the media. Animal abuse and neglect is a nationwide issue, affecting thousands of animals nationwide. Cruelty to animals is defined as the infliction of physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, beyond what is necessary. There is a need to stop abusers from acting in such a horrific manner–preventing the neglect and suffering of the animals. What causes animal abusers to act in such a cruel way towards animals? How are cases of animal abuse being managed, and how should cases be handled? Finally, does the status of animals in society contribute to the rate of their abuse?
Many people do not report cases of animal cruelty. Reports of animal cruelty are less common than crimes against people. This is because the cases do not go through state agencies. The animals that come to mind when someone mentions animal cruelty is often Dogs and cats. These animals do have a higher percent rate, with dogs at 70.1%, cats at 20.9% and all other animals at 24.1%. The percent’s come from cases that people report. If people were to fill all cases of animal cruelty, the rates would be much more different. A common form of negligence is people taking their animal to a place far from home to just leave them there. Animal control pick up these animals everyday and send them to shelter. For the most part the animals have a healthy portion of food and they have shelter from the environment. Most shelters are kill shelters. No-Kill shelters become less common to their counterpart. Animals not adopted within a certain period of time undergo euthanasia. This keeps room for more animals. No-kill shelters protect the animals and help rehabilitate them. The other 24.1% is the factory animals. The purpose of a factory animal's life is a food source. So the owners mistreat their animals because the animals purpose is to be a food source. It is almost as if they do not matter. They deserve animal rights just as much as the other animals do.
Animal Cruelty is becoming a very large problem that needs to be taken care of. Animal Cruelty is largely in certain “activities”, such as circuses, dog shows, dog fighting, and even zoos. Although people find this to be entertaining, interesting, and something out of the ordinary, it is still something that is causing harm to these animals and needs to be stopped. These “wild” animals are still animals, animals that have feelings, ones that don’t deserve to be tortured. How would you feel if someone locked you in a cage for the rest of your life, forced you to perform in front of crowds, whacked you when you weren’t doing what you were supposed to, hit you when you messed up?