
Animal Cruelty Needs To Be Prevented

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Animal Cruelty Needs To Be Prevented
Animal cruelty is a the crime of inflicting physical pain on an animal beyond necessity for normal discipline. It can include neglect and that the animal has suffered, died or been put in imminent danger of death. Not only is the crime affecting the animal, but in most cases, the cruelty of the animal affects the child/children that are around as well. The issue is animal cruelty, and it is shown is a variety of forms such as neglect, slaughter, hoarding, and being physically abused when being held in a home of a person to lash out in anger and with a past criminal record. The animals do not have a voice to stand up for themselves and speak their mind as to how much they are affected. Animal hoarding has …show more content…

In 2012,
“Red Star Rescue services deployed to Tennessee to intervene in a mass cruelty case involving 168 animals in terrible condition... medical care, sheltering, and adoption services were provided to the dehydrated, hungry, and frightened animals.”
The American Humane Association’s Animal Welfare Research Institute released a survey which demonstrated how animals have a great impact on children. The problem with animal abuse is a problem for children in homes where the basic needs of animals are not being cared for. The connection between an animal and a pet is linked, reflecting the way a human’s behavior towards the animal is with the child also. If the problem is not solved, the one who will suffer the consequence is the innocent animal(s)
Najera 3 along with children in homes where the parent has been arrested for violence.
According to the Human Society of the United States, “ in many cases, children found living among the squalor of neglected pets are taken into foster homes.” The child will suffer from the abuse towards the animals because if the animals are not being well cared, it will result with the parent himself not being able to maintain the basic needs

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